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Current Tag: interproximal_reduction


Today, I will discuss about interproximal reduction.

Patients are often reluctant to extract their teeth. In that case, one of the options you can choose is interproximal reduction.

However, it is not clear how much interproximal reduction will improve the protrusion problem of the patient.

We looked closer into this issue through WebCeph’s precision superimposition feature.

Interproxiaml reduction was performed and spaces were closed with the help of mini-screw.

Though not comparable to extractions, we confirmed some degree of protrusion reduction.

The change in incisor inclination observed through WebCeph analysis was about 10 degrees in … Read more


This is a great article. professor! In real clinical situations, it is often not clear how effective IPR alone can be. Your case help make a prediction about the effectiveness of the interproximal reduction. Thank you.




Ipr is a great tool v nice to read this paper 👍


Thank you for the comment Dr.mushtaqahmedhaki :)


i think , you can only have 2-4 mm at the max. so it depends on the amount of protrusion you have from the beginning ,


Thanks for your opinion. According to the amount of IPR, maximum amount of retraction may vary, and more with miniscrew.