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[Tip.2] Double Circle Hole loop wire



This is a double circle hole loop wire that I sometimes use.

There are loops between #2 and #3, and between extraction space.

The advantage is that it can provide hooks for slide mechanics and loop mechanics if necessary.

It also has the advantage of being easy to apply anterior torque and bite opening curve.

When making wires, it can be folded with existing pre-formed arch wires.

It has an advantage when adjusting various wires such as mesial out bend, step bend, etc.

If a lot of people like, I would like to take a video of the production process.

If you want, please leave a comment ~

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I normally use preformed single key-hole wire for working wire. I think it has the same advantages as circle hole loop wire.


Which prescription do you use for brackets. It seems a bit wider in posterior area. When I use MBT precription for those wide type wire, I sometimes observed uprighting of lower molars and even posterior crossbite of second molars.


I do not prefer wider type. However, I try to keep the patient's arch form when it looks like that.


I use preformed single key-hole wire for working wire and sometimes use double key hole wire. I'm looking forward to a your video~


Single Key Hole or Double Key Hole is also a good choice. However, they are difficult to use when the extraction space is irregular because the specifications are fixed. That is why I make circle hole loop wires. This is because it is easier to make than a key hole and can be made with existing wires and has the same performance.


Hi, members~

Click my profile image icon and visit my case room.

Then, you can read a new writing about unilateral maxillary premolar extraction case.



Great case and brilliant insight! I also have had the same problem in finishing stage. Thanks :-)


Thank you~ :D


Thank you for good cases. I will visit your case room soon again :-)


Please share your opinion~ ^^


Nice case~




좋은 케이스 잘 보고 갑니다~




[Column.1] Effect of Debonding...



Patients often ask how much lips move posteriorly when the brackets are removed.

I was able to examine the effect of debonding with a precise superimposition using WebCeph.

Of course, it varies from patient to patient and depends on the nature of the soft tissue.

In this case, although I did a little interproximal reduction, but it seems to be the effect of removing the device rather than the effect of IPR.

What I felt was that after removing the brackets than I thought, I could see a significant reduction in lip protrusion.

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박재봉 [Dr. JB Park]

좋은 글 감사합니다.교수님. 수술 후 f/u을 하다보면, 위입술의 돌출 정도가 일부 잔존하는 환자에서, 교정이나(말씀하신 IPR등) 장치제거로 추가 변화가 가능하다고 설명드리고 있는데, 교정선생님들이 실제적으로 어느정도의 효과를 기대하시는지 저도 많이 궁금하네요.


맞습니다. 저역시 말은 그렇게 하지만 사실 연조직 성질에 따라 많이 좌우하는 부분이라 일률적으로 말할 수는 없는 부분인것 같습니다. ^^

