
daniela.garbo   Chat

Offline : 5mn ago

True Vertical Line


Hi, is there Arnett analysis or a method to trace the true vertical line on webceph?
Thanks a lot

WebCeph Manager

Thank you for the question. The way to use the true vertical line is to use the measurement type of distance_A_to_B_vertical(Cy) in the measurement wizard (You can find it in Analysis tab of Record detail page). For example, if you want to measure the horizontal distance from Pogonion to Nasion-vertical line, select the measurement type as distance_A_to_B_vertical(Cy), select Pogonion for Point A, Nasion for Point B and Menton for Point C. Then, a true vertical line will be drawn from Nasion to Menton's y coordinate and the distance from it to Pogonion will be measured. Thanks for using WebCeph.


Hi, how can you create an angle between a line and the true vertical line? I don't want a distance, only an angle

