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Children norm


Do you have Korean Pediatric lateral cephalometric norm?


Thank you for your question. In the case of WebCeph's basic measurements, norm for children over 4 years of age is provided and if the patient is selected as asian, the norm can be applied to Korean children. If you have your own norm data for certain measurements, you can make your own measurements and norm data. However, it may be a little difficult to use, so I plan to make a guide on how to use it later. Thank you for using WebCeph.


Thank youI am a pediatric resident. My research will involve the cephalometric norm. Could you please advise the reference research paper that I may refer for the asian children norm.

Can I add my own landmark? I


i would like to find out the pharyngeal airways dimension and length? I need few more landmark regarding to the airways.


Or please advise how to set a new landmark. Thanks so much.




Thank you for using WebCeph. We are sorry that the features you mentioned is not developed yet. We've received the same requests from other users, so we have a plan to add those features in near future. We will try to reflect your request to WebCeph as soon as possible. Thank you for your good feedback.

in viewer column


When I measure the distance, the unit is 'PX', how can I transfer it to centimeter or inch?


Thank you for asking. We just added calibrate function for measuring distance in Viewer tab. When you click "Distance" in top menu, you will see a pop-up modal which says "Measure 10mm to calibrate". Drag your mouse to measure 10 mm on the image, and click "Set to 10mm" button. Now, you can measure distance in millimeter. Thank you for using WebCeph.

I am waiting for the host to let me in the webinar


Yes. just a second please ^^


Thank you

do you have reference paper?


For the Korean children norm, do you have reference paper? If so, please kindly give me the article title.


This is a link to a research paper on the average of cephalometric measurements for a 10-year-old child in Korea. I hope this would be helpful to you. http://journal.kapd.org/upload/jkapd-39-3-280-7.pdf

customized landmark


can we do the customized landmark for now?

WebCeph Manager

Thank you for using WebCeph. We are sorry that the features you mentioned is not developed yet. We've received the same requests from other users, so we have a plan to add those features in near future. We will try to reflect your request to WebCeph as soon as possible. Thank you for your good feedback.

I can not download webceph pdf result.


I can not download as PDF. please suggest how to


Thank you for asking. Doctor. If you are using 'Chrome' browser, you might experience some problems while saving pdf file. In that case, click print button, and select 'print as PDF' option from dropdown menu.


thanks so much

