
mariamiguelteixeirasantos   Chat

Offline : 10d ago

Angle between a line and the true vertical line


Hi, how can you create an angle between a line and the true vertical line? I don't want a distance, only an angl

WebCeph Manager

Dear Doctor, Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, the option to measure angles relative to TVL is not currently available in the Measurement Wizard. We have forwarded the request for this addition to the development team, and it is currently under discussion. I will ensure its implementation as soon as possible and provide you with updates accordingly. Thank you for using WEBCEPH.

WebCeph Manager

WebCeph Manager

Dear doctor, We are pleased to announce that we have just added the option to measure angles based on TVL in the Measurement Wizard. We sincerely hope that these improvements will help provide you with a more efficient WEBCEPH experience. Thank you.

