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About Bimler Analysis


I am using Bimler analysis as my main item. Could you please add it as one of the analysis items?

WebCeph Manager

Dear doctor. Thanks for the question. The Bimler analysis method was requested by the other user, and the user kindly sent related literature, so we studied the Bimler analysis method with team members. However, we still struggle to add the Bimler analysis to WebCeph due to some difficulties. (A unique template for the Bimler analysis method, a landmark measurement point not included in WebCeph and uniqueness of the image orientation, etc.) In order to add the Bimler analysis method, it was decided that it could not be simply done with WebCeph's measurement wizard, and that it should be developed exclusively in a hard coding method. As a result, Bimler is taking time as it requires a separate development resource for this. We ask for your generosity and understanding that the addition of the method takes time. Thank you.


Dear administrator Thank you for your reply. I understand the reason well. I hope you will solve the problem in the future and add the Bimler analysis. In that case, I am sure that hundreds of people in my study group will be new users of the webceph.

I would like to measure the distance Between a perpendicular line descending from point A to the FH plane and a perpendicular line descending from PNS to the FH plane,please tell me hou to set this up in the measurement wizard.

WebCeph Manager

Dear doctor. Thank you for the question. It seems that the measurement you mentioned could be done using the "Distance_AB_along_CD" type. If you select "Distance_AB_along_CD" as the measurement type in the Measurement wizard and enter A: A-point / B: PNS / C: Orbitale / D: Porion for each point, you can obtain the desired measurement result. Thanks for using WebCeph.


Dear WebCeph Manager. Thank you for your answer. I will try it.

