
ebubekirbas7   Chat

Offline : 25d ago

New Angles


can we create a new angle using some points that we randomly pointed

WebCeph Manager

Dear doctor, Thanks for the question. You can add up to 10 extra points if you are PLUS/PREMIUM member. A table appears on the screen where you can name each additional point when you click Extra Landmarks button in the digitization tab.

WebCeph Manager

WebCeph Manager

Alternatively, you can also specify names for additional points in the custom settings menu of the account page. (https://webceph.com/en/custom-settings/)

WebCeph Manager

WebCeph Manager

To take advantage of these additional points, you need to create your own custom measurement and analysis method. The custom analysis wizard and measurement wizard menu can be found on the Analysis tab or the Account page.

WebCeph Manager

WebCeph Manager

There you can create a custom metric, if you specified the name of the additional point earlier, the landmark you specified for the input point value will be shown at the bottom. Create your own measurement using your custom extra points, then add that measurement to your own custom analysis.

WebCeph Manager

WebCeph Manager

Link to custom analysis and measurement tutorial video is below:

WebCeph Manager



Thank you so much

