
salvatisimone   Chat

Online : 2h ago

Hi, I'm a researcher from Italy. First of all, congratulations for this web software! I follow this project from the beginning and I have to say it's developing really well!
Beside that, I will be thankful if you could add the chance to select the medium occlusal point, I mean the intercuspidation of the premolar (or the deciduous molar) as a point in the cephalometric analysis. I need of that in order to trace the functional occlusal plane. It's for my research purpose.

Thank you in advance.

WebCeph Manager

Dear Dr. Salvatisimone. We appreciate that you are an avid user since the very beginning of WebCeph. The posterior occlusal plane point is supported in custom measurement wizard, but the point corresponding to the middle occlusal point does not exist in the current WebCeph's artificial intelligence measurement model. Currently, the additionally developed function includes the function of adding measurement points desired by the user, which is a premium function and is expected to be open around April. If you have the purpose of your research, I think that function may be helpful in the future. Thank you very much for supporting WebCeph.


Wonderful project


It does not have anything to envy to the most famous ceph analysis software! Good job guys!!!
By the yoy think to add also Postero-anterior analysis?


We have plans to include a PA ceph analysis. But there are other features we are focusing and developing now, so PA ceph analysis is likely to be added later. Any feedbacks or opinions are always welcome. Thank you for using WebCeph.


That is perfect, thank you!! In the meantime, I developed the measurements list for a custom ceph based on Petrovic analysis! If it could to be helpful for someone I am available to share it!


You're so kind to say that. We are planning a feature that allows users to share the custom analysis they've created. It's going to take a while to make that feature, but I'm going to let users to make their study groups and allow them to share their methods and use them together. Thank you so much for your great feedback and for loving WebCeph.

