
[Column.2] Effect of Interproximal Reduction on reducing protrusion / 치간 삭제술의 효과에 대하여



Today, I will discuss about interproximal reduction.

Patients are often reluctant to extract their teeth. In that case, one of the options you can choose is interproximal reduction.

However, it is not clear how much interproximal reduction will improve the protrusion problem of the patient.

We looked closer into this issue through WebCeph’s precision superimposition feature.

Interproxiaml reduction was performed and spaces were closed with the help of mini-screw.

Though not comparable to extractions, we confirmed some degree of protrusion reduction.

The change in incisor inclination observed through WebCeph analysis was about 10 degrees in maxillary anterior teeth.

How much improvement do you expect from non-extraction + interproximal reduction (stripping)?

이번에는 치간삭제술. Interproximal reduction에 대해 살펴보겠습니다.

환자들은 발치를 꺼리는 경우가 종종 있습니다. 그랬을때 선택할 수 있는 옵션중의 하나가 치간삭제술인데요.

어느정도의 돌출감소 효과를 기대할 수 있을지가 애매한 부분입니다.

웹셉을 통해 정밀 중첩을 해 살펴보았습니다
치간삭제술을 시행하고 mini-screw를 이용해 구치의 전방이동은 최대한 막은 상태에서 maximum으로 당겨보았습니다.

발치에 비할바는 아니지만 어느정도의 돌출 감소효과를 확인할 수 있었습니다.

웹셉 분석을 통해 살펴본 치아 각도의 변화는 상악전치의 경우 대략 10도 정도로 관측되네요.

여러분들은 비발치 + IPR을 통해 어느정도의 효과를 기대하고 계신가요? / How much improvement do you expect from non-extraction + interproximal reduction(stripping)?


This is a great article. professor! In real clinical situations, it is often not clear how effective IPR alone can be. Your case help make a prediction about the effectiveness of the interproximal reduction. Thank you.




Ipr is a great tool v nice to read this paper 👍


Thank you for the comment Dr.mushtaqahmedhaki :)


i think , you can only have 2-4 mm at the max. so it depends on the amount of protrusion you have from the beginning ,


Thanks for your opinion. According to the amount of IPR, maximum amount of retraction may vary, and more with miniscrew.