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어셈블써클 주식회사(이하 ‘어셈블써클’)의 서비스 및 제품(이하 ‘웹셉 서비스’)를 이용해 주셔서 감사합니다.
1. 약관의 성격 및 적용범위
본 약관은 어셈블써클과 웹셉 서비스를 이용하는 회원(이하 ‘회원) 또는 비회원과의 관계를 설명하며, 어셈블써클이 회원에게 제공하는 웹셉 서비스의 이용과 관련하여 회원과 어셈블써클 간의 권리와 의무 및 필요한 사항을 규정함을 목적으로 합니다.
웹셉 서비스를 이용하시거나 회원으로 가입하실 경우 본 약관을 확인하거나 동의하게 됩니다. 웹셉의 모든 서비스에는 기본적으로 본 약관이 적용되나, 관련 법령의 준수 및 개별 서비스의 목적 달성을 위해 개별 서비스별로 별도의 약관 및 운영정책이 적용될 수 있습니다.
2. 웹셉 서비스
웹셉 서비스는 교정과 전문의와 구강외과 전문의가 기획하고 교정과 전문의가 직접 개발한 교정 양악수술 인공지능 클라우드 플랫폼입니다. 여러분은 PC, 휴대폰 등 인터넷 연결이 가능한 기기를 이용하여 웹셉 서비스를 이용할 수 있습니다. 웹셉 서비스에는 치아교정 및 악교정수술의 진단자료 분석서비스, 학술적 목적의 임상케이스 공유 및 토론 플랫폼 등이 포함되며, 개별 서비스들의 구체적인 내용은 웹셉 홈페이지를 참고해 주시기 바랍니다.
웹셉 서비스는 의사의 진단, 의료계획 수립, 의료행위 등을 보조하는 서비스입니다. 웹셉 서비스는 여러분께 도움을 드릴 수 있지만, 웹셉 서비스는 의료기관 또는 의료인이 아니며, 의학적 조언이나 진단을 제공하지 않습니다. 즉, 웹셉 서비스는 어떠한 방식으로도 전문가의 의견 또는 전문적인 소견을 제공하는 서비스의 대체물로 기능하지 않습니다. 어셈블써클은 회원이 웹셉 서비스와 함께 의료인과의 상담 등을 통하여 의료계획을 수립하거나, 의료행위를 수행하거나, 치료를 받는 것을 권장합니다.
어셈블써클은 회원 모두에게 동일한 내용의 서비스를 제공하지만, 관련 법령의 준수 및 개별 서비스의 목적 달성을 위해 개별 서비스별로 서비스가 제공되는 대상의 범위가 제한될 수 있습니다. 예를 들어, 웹셉의 일부 서비스는 의료인 자격을 가진 회원을 대상으로만 제공될 수 있으며, 원활한 서비스 제공을 위해 해당 서비스 이용을 원하는 회원에게 의료인 자격 증명이 요구될 수 있습니다.
어셈블써클은 관련 법령의 준수 목적 및 서비스의 유지·관리, 경영상 판단 등을 이유로 웹셉 홈페이지 또는 웹셉 서비스 내용의 일부 또는 전부를 수정, 중지, 종료할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어, 웹셉 서비스에 대한 일상적 또는 비일상적 유지관리를 수행하거나, 오류를 수정하거나, 기타 변경작업을 수행하기 위해 필요에 따라 웹셉 홈페이지 또는 웹셉 서비스의 일부 운영을 정지할 수 있습니다. 또한, 어셈블써클은 일정한 거주 지역에서 웹셉 서비스의 운영을 중지할 수 있으며, 회원이 본 약관 및 관련 법령을 위반하였을 경우 해당 회원에 대한 웹셉 서비스의 제공을 중지할 수 있습니다.
3. 회원가입 및 서비스 이용계약의 체결
4. 서비스의 종류 및 이용방법
5. 서비스 이용의 제한
6. 서비스 이용계약의 해지 및 해제 등
7. 지식재산권
회원이 웹셉 서비스 이용과정에서 작성한 컨텐츠(이하 ‘컨텐츠’)의 지식재산권은 관련 법령에 따라 해당 회원에게 귀속됩니다. 웹셉 서비스에 관한 지식재산권(예를 들어 어셈블써클의 상표 등) 및 웹셉 홈페이지에 저장되거나, 표시되거나, 접근 가능한 모든 자료의 지식재산권은 어셈블써클이 소유하거나 라이선스를 보유한 것입니다. 여러분은 어셈블써클의 서면 동의 없이는 어떤 방식으로든 컨텐츠나 웹셉 홈페이지의 일부를 수정, 복사, 복제, 재출판, 업로드, 게시, 전송, 배포, 판매, 라이선스 부여, 임대, 공개적으로 표시 또는 수행, 편집, 2차적저작물의 제작 등을 할 수 없습니다.
또한 회원은 웹셉의 컨텐츠를 다른 곳에 게시하지 않고 있는 그대로를 유지하면서 개인적, 비상업적, 정보제공 용도로 웹셉 홈페이지의 선택된 부분을 보고, 사용하고, 다운로드하고, 인쇄할 수 있습니다.
어셈블써클은 회원이 컨텐츠를 작성하는 과정에서 발생하는 제3자의 지식재산권 침해, 회원이 타 회원 등의 컨텐츠를 이용하면서 발생하는 회원 간의 지식재산권 분쟁 등에 대해 아무런 책임을 지지 않습니다.
8. 데이터 관리정책
웹셉 서비스는 클라우드 서비스와 관련된 데이터를 전송, 저장, 복사, 삭제, 편집해야 할 필요가 있습니다. 또한 웹셉은 데이터의 검색, 보호, 백업을 위해 컨텐츠의 색인을 생성해야 합니다.
회원은 웹셉 서비스를 사용함으로써 어셈블써클에 데이터를 관리할 수 있는 권한을 부여하게 됩니다. 회원이 웹셉 서비스에 데이터를 제공하는 경우, 회원은 어셈블써클에 위 데이터의 사용, 저장, 복사, 수정, 전송, 공개, 설명, 공개 게시, 배포 또는 데이터에서 파생된 2차적저작물을 작성할 수 있는 권리를 라이선스한 것으로 간주됩니다.
위 라이선스는 회원이 웹셉 서비스 사용을 중지하거나 계정을 비활성화 한 후에도 유효하며, 어셈블써클은 위 라이선스를 통해 위 데이터를 기존의 웹셉 서비스를 개선하거나, 새로운 웹셉 서비스를 개발하기 위해 사용할 수 있습니다. 웹셉은 지속적인 서비스 개선 및 연구개발을 통해 여러분에게 좀 더 편리하고 유용한 서비스를 제공할 수 있도록 최선을 다할 것입니다.
9. 개인정보의 수집
어셈블써클은 관련 법령이 정하는 바에 따라 회원의 개인정보를 보호하기 위해 노력하며, 개인정보의 보호 및 사용에 대해서는 관련 법령 및 어셈블써클의 개인정보처리방침에 따릅니다.
어셈블써클은 회원이 서비스를 이용하며 관련 법률을 위반하여 수사기관이나 기타 공공기관으로부터 정보제공을 요청받는 경우 등 관련 법령이 정하는 사유에 해당하는 경우를 제외하고는 개인정보를 정보주체의 개별 동의 없이 제3자에게 제공하지 않습니다.
어셈블써클은 개인정보 업무 처리를 위하여 업무 처리 위탁받은 회사가 업무 처리를 위해 필요한 범위 내에서 정보를 제공하며, 이용자의 소중한 개인정보를 안전하게 처리하도록 관리, 감독합니다.
어셈블써클은 만 19세 미만인 미성년자의 개인정보를 수집하지 않습니다.
10. 웹셉이 위탁받는 개인정보
회원이 웹셉 서비스 이용을 위해 어셈블써클에 데이터 등을 제공하는 경우 해당 회원은 이와 관련된 개인정보(환자정보)에 대한 모든 법적 권리 및 위 개인정보(환자정보)의 위탁에 대한 정보주체(환자)의 동의를 취득해야 합니다.
예를 들어, 여러분이 운영하는 병원·의원을 이용하는 정보주체(환자)의 개인정보(환자정보)를 수집하여 어셈블써클에 제공하고자 할 경우, 여러분은 아래의 동의서 등을 활용하여 위 개인정보(환자정보)를 수집한다는 점 및 위 개인정보(환자정보)가 어셈블써클에 위탁되는 것에 대한 정보주체(환자)의 동의를 획득해야 합니다.
[의사회원 안내문에 포함된 동의서 양식 확인하기(링크)]
만약 회원의 개인정보(환자정보) 위탁제공이 관련 법령 또는 웹셉 서비스의 약관 및 운영정책에 위반될 경우, 위 개인정보(환자정보)를 이용한 웹셉 서비스의 제공이 중단될 수 있고, 웹셉 서비스 상에서 위 개인정보(환자정보)가 삭제될 수 있으며, 회원의 웹셉 서비스 이용이 제한되거나 계정이 정지될 수 있습니다. 어셈블써클은 여러분의 개인정보(환자정보) 위탁제공이 법령 등에 위배됨으로 인해 발생하는 회원과 정보주체(환자) 간의 분쟁 및 정보주체의 손해에 대해 아무런 책임을 지지 않습니다.
본 이용약관에 동의한 회원은 개인정보보호법 제26조에 따라 개인정보처리 업무를 어셈블써클에 위탁한 것으로 봅니다. 개인정보처리 업무 위탁에 관하여 아래 사항을 숙지하시기 바랍니다.
수탁자 (위탁에 따라 개인정보가 이전되는 국가) | 주식회사 어셈블써클 (대한민국) |
위탁업무 | 웹셉 서비스 제공 및 데이터 관리 |
이전되는 개인정보 항목 | 성명, 생년월일, 성별, 인종, 안면사진, 구강사진, 방사선(X-ray) 사진, 의료영상(방사선사진 및 임상사진) 내의 계측좌표, 진단내용, 치료계획, 치료내역 |
이전일시 및 이전방법 | 개인정보 수집시 클라우드 서비스에 저장된 정보 재이전 |
수탁자 연락처 | 경기도 성남시 분당구 판교역로 240, 4층 411호 (13493) |
수탁자의 이용목적 및 보유기간 | 회원의 서비스 종료시까지 |
수탁자 (국가) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (미국) |
위탁업무 | 클라우드서비스 |
이전되는 개인정보 항목 | 성명, 생년월일, 성별, 인종, 안면사진, 구강사진, 방사선(X-ray) 사진, 의료영상(방사선사진 및 임상사진) 내의 계측좌표, 진단내용, 치료계획, 치료내역 |
이전일시 및 이전방법 | 개인정보 수집시 클라우드서비스에 저장 |
수탁자 연락처 | 서울 강남구 논현로 508, 12층 (GS타워) (06141) |
수탁자의 이용목적 및 보유기간 | 클라우드 서비스 제공, 위탁계약 종료시까지 |
수탁자 (국가) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (캐나다) |
위탁업무 | 클라우드서비스 |
이전되는 개인정보 항목 | 성명, 생년월일, 성별, 인종, 안면사진, 구강사진, 방사선(X-ray) 사진, 의료영상(방사선사진 및 임상사진) 내의 계측좌표, 진단내용, 치료계획, 치료내역 |
이전일시 및 이전방법 | 개인정보 수집시 클라우드서비스에 저장 |
수탁자 연락처 | 서울 강남구 논현로 508, 12층 (GS타워) (06141) |
수탁자의 이용목적 및 보유기간 | 클라우드 서비스 제공, 위탁계약 종료시까지 |
수탁자 (국가) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (독일) |
위탁업무 | 클라우드서비스 |
이전되는 개인정보 항목 | 성명, 생년월일, 성별, 인종, 안면사진, 구강사진, 방사선(X-ray) 사진, 의료영상(방사선사진 및 임상사진) 내의 계측좌표, 진단내용, 치료계획, 치료내역 |
이전일시 및 이전방법 | 개인정보 수집시 클라우드서비스에 저장 |
수탁자 연락처 | 서울 강남구 논현로 508, 12층 (GS타워) (06141) |
수탁자의 이용목적 및 보유기간 | 클라우드 서비스 제공, 위탁계약 종료시까지 |
수탁자 (국가) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (영국) |
위탁업무 | 클라우드서비스 |
이전되는 개인정보 항목 | 성명, 생년월일, 성별, 인종, 안면사진, 구강사진, 방사선(X-ray) 사진, 의료영상(방사선사진 및 임상사진) 내의 계측좌표, 진단내용, 치료계획, 치료내역 |
이전일시 및 이전방법 | 개인정보 수집시 클라우드서비스에 저장 |
수탁자 연락처 | 서울 강남구 논현로 508, 12층 (GS타워) (06141) |
수탁자의 이용목적 및 보유기간 | 클라우드 서비스 제공, 위탁계약 종료시까지 |
수탁자 (국가) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (호주) |
위탁업무 | 클라우드서비스 |
이전되는 개인정보 항목 | 성명, 생년월일, 성별, 인종, 안면사진, 구강사진, 방사선(X-ray) 사진, 의료영상(방사선사진 및 임상사진) 내의 계측좌표, 진단내용, 치료계획, 치료내역 |
이전일시 및 이전방법 | 개인정보 수집시 클라우드서비스에 저장 |
수탁자 연락처 | 서울 강남구 논현로 508, 12층 (GS타워) (06141) |
수탁자의 이용목적 및 보유기간 | 클라우드 서비스 제공, 위탁계약 종료시까지 |
수탁자 (국가) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (브라질) |
위탁업무 | 클라우드서비스 |
이전되는 개인정보 항목 | 성명, 생년월일, 성별, 인종, 안면사진, 구강사진, 방사선(X-ray) 사진, 의료영상(방사선사진 및 임상사진) 내의 계측좌표, 진단내용, 치료계획, 치료내역 |
이전일시 및 이전방법 | 개인정보 수집시 클라우드서비스에 저장 |
수탁자 연락처 | 서울 강남구 논현로 508, 12층 (GS타워) (06141) |
수탁자의 이용목적 및 보유기간 | 클라우드 서비스 제공, 위탁계약 종료시까지 |
수탁자 (국가) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (프랑스) |
위탁업무 | 클라우드서비스 |
이전되는 개인정보 항목 | 성명, 생년월일, 성별, 인종, 안면사진, 구강사진, 방사선(X-ray) 사진, 의료영상(방사선사진 및 임상사진) 내의 계측좌표, 진단내용, 치료계획, 치료내역 |
이전일시 및 이전방법 | 개인정보 수집시 클라우드서비스에 저장 |
수탁자 연락처 | 서울 강남구 논현로 508, 12층 (GS타워) (06141) |
수탁자의 이용목적 및 보유기간 | 클라우드 서비스 제공, 위탁계약 종료시까지 |
수탁자 (국가) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (인도) |
위탁업무 | 클라우드서비스 |
이전되는 개인정보 항목 | 성명, 생년월일, 성별, 인종, 안면사진, 구강사진, 방사선(X-ray) 사진, 의료영상(방사선사진 및 임상사진) 내의 계측좌표, 진단내용, 치료계획, 치료내역 |
이전일시 및 이전방법 | 개인정보 수집시 클라우드서비스에 저장 |
수탁자 연락처 | 서울 강남구 논현로 508, 12층 (GS타워) (06141) |
수탁자의 이용목적 및 보유기간 | 클라우드 서비스 제공, 위탁계약 종료시까지 |
수탁자 (국가) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (대한민국) |
위탁업무 | 클라우드서비스 |
이전되는 개인정보 항목 | 성명, 생년월일, 성별, 인종, 안면사진, 구강사진, 방사선(X-ray) 사진, 의료영상(방사선사진 및 임상사진) 내의 계측좌표, 진단내용, 치료계획, 치료내역 |
이전일시 및 이전방법 | 개인정보 수집시 클라우드서비스에 저장 |
수탁자 연락처 | 서울 강남구 논현로 508, 12층 (GS타워) (06141) |
수탁자의 이용목적 및 보유기간 | 클라우드 서비스 제공, 위탁계약 종료시까지 |
수탁자 (국가) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (일본) |
위탁업무 | 클라우드서비스 |
이전되는 개인정보 항목 | 성명, 생년월일, 성별, 인종, 안면사진, 구강사진, 방사선(X-ray) 사진, 의료영상(방사선사진 및 임상사진) 내의 계측좌표, 진단내용, 치료계획, 치료내역 |
이전일시 및 이전방법 | 개인정보 수집시 클라우드서비스에 저장 |
수탁자 연락처 | 서울 강남구 논현로 508, 12층 (GS타워) (06141) |
수탁자의 이용목적 및 보유기간 | 클라우드 서비스 제공, 위탁계약 종료시까지 |
수탁자 (국가) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (싱가포르) |
위탁업무 | 클라우드서비스 |
이전되는 개인정보 항목 | 성명, 생년월일, 성별, 인종, 안면사진, 구강사진, 방사선(X-ray) 사진, 의료영상(방사선사진 및 임상사진) 내의 계측좌표, 진단내용, 치료계획, 치료내역 |
이전일시 및 이전방법 | 개인정보 수집시 클라우드서비스에 저장 |
수탁자 연락처 | 서울 강남구 논현로 508, 12층 (GS타워) (06141) |
수탁자의 이용목적 및 보유기간 | 클라우드 서비스 제공, 위탁계약 종료시까지 |
수탁자 (국가) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (스웨덴) |
위탁업무 | 클라우드서비스 |
이전되는 개인정보 항목 | 성명, 생년월일, 성별, 인종, 안면사진, 구강사진, 방사선(X-ray) 사진, 의료영상(방사선사진 및 임상사진) 내의 계측좌표, 진단내용, 치료계획, 치료내역 |
이전일시 및 이전방법 | 개인정보 수집시 클라우드서비스에 저장 |
수탁자 연락처 | 서울 강남구 논현로 508, 12층 (GS타워) (06141) |
수탁자의 이용목적 및 보유기간 | 클라우드 서비스 제공, 위탁계약 종료시까지 |
재위탁에 따라 이전되는 국가 | 정보주체(환자) 소재 국가 |
미국 | Bahamas / Belize / Bermuda / Cayman Islands / Costa Rica / Cuba / Dominica / Dominican Republic / El Salvador / Guadeloupe / Guam / Guatemala / Haiti / Honduras / Jamaica / Mexico / Montserrat / Nicaragua / Northern Mariana Islands / Panama / Pitcairn / Puerto Rico / Republic of Korea / Saint Barthelemy / Saint Kitts and Nevis / Saint Lucia / Saint Martin(French part) / Sint Maarten(Dutch part) / Tanzania / Turks and Caicos Islands / United States / United States Minor Outlying Islands / Virgin Islands |
캐나다 | Canada / Greenland / Saint Pierre and Miquelon |
독일 | Albania / Angola / Armenia / Austria / Azerbaijan / Belgium / Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bulgaria / Cameroon / Central African Republic / Chad / Congo / Congo / Croatia / Cyprus / Czech Republic / Egypt / Equatorial Guinea / Georgia / Germany / Greece / Holy See(Vatican City State) / Hungary / Israel / Italy / Jordan / Lebanon / Libya / Liechtenstein / Luxembourg / Macedonia / Malta / Moldova / Montenegro / Namibia / Netherlands / Niger / Nigeria / Palestine / Poland / Romania / Russian Federation / Rwanda / San Marino / Serbia / Slovakia / Slovenia / South Africa / South Sudan / Sudan / Swaziland / Switzerland / Syrian Arab Republic / Tunisia / Turkey / Uganda / Ukraine / Zambia / Zimbabwe |
영국 | Guernsey / Iceland / Ireland / Isle of Man / Jersey / United Kingdom |
호주 | American Samoa / Antarctica / Australia / Cook Islands / Fiji / French Polynesia / French Southern Territories / Heard Island and McDonald Islands / Kiribati / Marshall Islands / Micronesia, Federated States of / Nauru / New Caledonia / New Zealand / Niue / Norfolk Island / Papua New Guinea / Samoa / Solomon Islands / Tokelau / Tonga / Tuvalu / Vanuatu / Wallis and Futuna |
브라질 | Anguilla / Antigua and Barbuda / Argentina / Aruba / Barbados / Bolivia, Plurinational State of / Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba / Bouvet Island / Brazil / Chile / Colombia / Curacao / Ecuador / Falkland Islands (Malvinas) / French Guiana / Grenada / Guyana / Martinique / Paraguay / Peru / Saint Vincent and the Grenadines / South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands / Suriname / Trinidad and Tobago / Uruguay / Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of |
프랑스 | Algeria / Andorra / Benin / Burkina Faso / Cape Verde / Cote d'Ivoire / France / Gabon / Gambia / Ghana / Gibraltar / Guinea / Guinea-Bissau / Liberia / Mali / Mauritania / Monaco / Morocco / Portugal / Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha / Sao Tome and Principe / Senegal / Sierra Leone / Spain / Togo / Western Sahara |
인도 | Afghanistan / Bahrain / Bangladesh / Bhutan / Botswana / British Indian Ocean Territory / Burundi / Comoros / Djibouti / Eritrea/ Ethiopia / India / Iran, Islamic Republic of / Iraq / Kazakhstan / Kenya / Kuwait / Kyrgyzstan / Lesotho / Madagascar / Malawi / Maldives / Mauritius / Mayotte / Mozambique / Nepal / Oman / Pakistan / Qatar / Reunion / Saudi Arabia / Seychelles/ Somalia / Sri Lanka / Tajikistan / Turkmenistan / United Arab Emirates / Uzbekistan / Yemen |
대한민국 | China / Hong Kong / Korea, Democratic People's Republic of / Korea, Republic of / Macao / Mongolia / Taiwan |
일본 | Japan |
싱가포르 | Brunei Darussalam / Cambodia / Christmas Island / Cocos (Keeling) Islands / Indonesia / Lao People's Democratic Republic / Malaysia / Myanmar / Palau / Philippines / Singapore / Thailand / Timor-Leste / Viet Nam |
스웨덴 | Aland Islands / Belarus / Denmark / Estonia / Faroe Islands / Finland / Latvia / Lithuania / Norway / Svalbard and Jan Mayen / Sweden |
11. 익명정보의 처리
익명정보란 시간, 비용, 기술 등을 합리적으로 고려할 때 어떠한 다른 정보를 사용하여도 더 이상 개인을 알아볼 수 없는 정보를 의미합니다. 회원은 웹셉 서비스 이용과정에서 익명정보를 어셈블써클 및 다른 회원들에게 제공하거나 공개할 수 있습니다. 이 경우 7.항의 정보주체(환자)의 동의는 필요하지 않습니다.
예를 들어, 어떠한 기술적 수단을 동원하여도 환자 개인을 식별하는 것이 불가능한 사진 등은 익명정보에 해당할 수 있습니다.
어셈블써클은 회원이 제공 또는 공개한 익명정보의 익명성을 보장하지 않으며, 익명처리 미흡으로 인한 모든 위험은 회원의 책임 범위에 속합니다. 익명정보 제공에 앞서, 반드시 익명처리의 적정성을 검토하시기 바랍니다.
또한 회원이 갤러리에 공개한 익명정보는 어셈블써클이 신규 서비스 개발 등을 위해 자유롭게 활용할 수 있습니다.
11. 개인정보의 보호·관리
어셈블써클은 회원의 개인정보를 포함하여 회원이 위탁한 데이터에 포함된 개인정보를 회원이 동의한 목적과 범위 내에서만 수집·이용하고, 회원의 동의 없이 어셈블써클 외의 제3자에게 제공하지 않으며, 개인정보 보호 관련 법령에 따라 안전하게 관리합니다.
개인정보의 정보주체는 언제든지 어셈블써클에 개인정보의 열람·정정·삭제를 요구할 수 있으며, 회원은 개인정보를 어셈블써클에 제공하기로 하는 동의를 철회할 수 있습니다.
개인정보의 보호·관리에 관한 상세한 내용은 개인정보처리방침에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.
12. 회원의 책임
여러분은 만 19세 이상임을 확인하며, 회원 가입 시 본 약관을 확인하고 준수할 책임이 있다는 점에 동의하였다고 간주됩니다.
만약 회원이 본 약관에 위반되는 행위를 할 경우, 웹셉 서비스의 제공이 중단될 수 있고, 계정이 정지될 수 있습니다. 예를 들어, 회원은 아래의 행위들을 하여서는 안됩니다.
회원이 본 약관에 따른 의무를 이행하지 않았을 경우, 어셈블써클이 회원에 대한 권리를 즉각 주장하지 않거나 권리집행을 지연하더라도 이는 어셈블써클이 위 권리를 포기하였다는 것을 의미하지 않습니다. 만약 어셈블써클이 회원의 본 약관상 의무 불이행에 따른 어셈블써클의 권리를 행사하지 않기로 결정하였다면, 어셈블써클은 이를 서면으로만 수행할 것입니다.
13. 어셈블써클의 책임
여러분이 웹셉 서비스를 이용하는 과정에서 어셈블써클의 고의 또는 과실로 인해 손해를 입게 될 경우, 어셈블써클은 관련 법령에 따라 여러분의 손해를 배상합니다. 다만, 어셈블써클은 통상적으로 예견이 불가능한 특별한 손해 또는 징벌적 손해에 관하여는 책임을 부담하지 않습니다. 천재지변 또는 이에 준하는 불가항력으로 인해 위 손해가 발생한 경우에도 어셈블써클은 책임을 부담하지 않습니다.
어셈블써클은 아래 사항들의 정확성, 적절성, 시의성, 완전성, 신뢰성에 대해 명시적·묵시적으로 어떠한 보증도 하지 않습니다.
웹셉 홈페이지에는 ‘페이스북’이나 ‘트위터’와 같은 소셜 미디어 웹사이트를 포함한 타사 웹사이트 링크가 포함될 수 있으나, 이는 오로지 회원의 편의를 위해 제공되는 것이며, 어셈블써클은 웹셉 홈페이지에 링크된 외부 웹사이트 또는 소셜 미디어의 내용을 지지하거나 보증하지 않습니다.
어셈블써클은 여러분이 웹셉 홈페이지 또는 위 홈페이지에 링크된 외부 웹사이트를 사용하는 과정에서 바이러스 감염, 분산서비스 공격 등으로 받은 컴퓨터 및 모바일 기기의 손실 및 피해에 대해 아무런 책임을 지지 않습니다.
여러분은 상업적 또는 사업적 목적으로 웹셉 서비스를 이용하여서는 안되며, 그로 인해 여러분에게 발생한 어떠한 종류의 법적 책임 및 손실에 대해 어셈블써클은 아무런 책임을 지지 않습니다.
14. 회원의 배상 책임
15. 유료서비스의 제공
웹셉 서비스의 기본적인 서비스는 광고 시청 후 무료로 사용할 수 있도록 제공되고 있으나, 일부 서비스는 유료로 제공될 수 있습니다. 예를 들면, 치과용 의료영상의 트레이싱 및 기본 분석 기능은 광고와 함께 무료로 사용하실 수 있으나, 광고가 없는 분석 기능이나 치료경과의 타임랩스 영상 생성과 같은 기능은 유료 멤버십에서만 사용하실 수 있습니다.
웹셉 회원은 어셈블써클이 제공하는 절차에 의하여 유료서비스 이용계약을 신청하여 어셈블써클의 승낙 이후 유료서비스를 이용할 수 있습니다. 다만, 다음 각 호에 해당하는 경우에는 승낙하지 않거나 승낙을 유보할 수 있습니다.
웹셉 회원은 어셈블써클이 제공하는 유료서비스를 이용하는 경우 이용대금을 납부한 후 이용하는 것을 원칙으로 합니다. 어셈블써클이 제공하는 유료서비스에 대한 이용요금의 결제방법은 신용카드결제를 기본으로 하나 각 유료서비스마다 결제 방법의 차이가 있을 수 있습니다. 매월 정기적인 결제가 이루어지는 월구독 서비스의 경우, 여러분 개인이 해당 서비스의 이용을 중단하고 정기 결제의 취소를 요청하지 않는 한 매월 결제가 이루어집니다. 매년 정기적인 결제가 이루어지는 연구독 서비스의 경우, 여러분 개인이 해당 서비스의 이용을 중단하고 정기 결제의 취소를 요청하지 않는 한 매년 결제가 이루어집니다.
어셈블써클은 결제의 이행을 위하여 반드시 필요한 회원의 개인정보를 주기적으로 요구할 수 있으며, 웹셉 회원은 어셈블써클이 요구하는 개인정보를 정확하게 제공하여야 합니다.
16. 유료서비스 이용에 관한 해제 또는 해지
유료서비스 이용계약의 해지를 원하는 경우 웹셉 회원은 언제든지 서비스 내 제공되는 메뉴를 이용하여 유료서비스의 해지 신청할 수 있으며, 어셈블써클은 법령이 정하는 바에 따라 신속히 처리하겠습니다.
유료서비스 이용 계약의 해지는 웹셉 회원의 유료서비스 이용계약 해지 신청 및 어셈블써클의 승낙에 의해 성립하게 됩니다.
월구독 유료서비스 이용 계약의 해지의 신청이 어셈블써클의 승낙에 의해 성립된 경우, 월구독 서비스는 당월의 이용기간이 종료된 후에 해지 처리되며 더 이상 정기결제가 발생하지 않습니다. 또한 당월의 이용기간 마지막 날까지는 정상적으로 유료서비스 혜택이 유지됩니다. 연구독 유료서비스 이용 계약의 해지의 신청이 어셈블써클의 승낙에 의해 성립된 경우, 연구독 서비스는 당해의 이용기간이 종료된 후에 해지 처리되며 더 이상 정기결제가 발생하지 않습니다. 또한 당해의 이용기간 마지막 날까지는 정상적으로 유료서비스 혜택이 유지됩니다.
웹셉 유료서비스 중, 정기 구독 서비스(예: 월구독 서비스, 연구독 서비스)를 해지한 경우에는 이미 지불한 서비스에 대한 환불을 받을 수 없습니다.
웹셉 유료서비스 중, 정기 구독 서비스가 아닌 일반 결제 상품(예: 컨텐츠 상품, 사이버 머니 등)의 경우에는 결제 시부터 7일 이내에 어셈블써클의 고객센터에 청약철회를 할 수 있습니다. 웹셉 회원은 청약철회 의사를 이메일을 통해 웹셉 서비스 고객센터(admin@assemblecircle.com)에 그 의사를 표시하여야 하며, 어셈블써클은 환불요청을 접수하고 웹셉 회원의 요청과 환불규정 확인 후, 5영업일 이내에 환불하여 드립니다.웹셉 회원은 전항의 청약철회 기간이 경과되거나 전자상거래 등에서의 소비자 보호에 관한 법률, 콘텐츠 산업 진흥원, 온라인 디지털 콘텐츠 이용자 보호 지침 등 관련 법령에서 정한 청약철회 제한 사유에 해당하는 유료서비스의 경우 청약철회를 할 수 없습니다.
유료서비스 이용 계약을 해지한 뒤 다시 이용하기를 원한다면, 서비스 내 제공되는 메뉴를 이용하여 유료서비스를 다시 신청하실 수 있습니다.
17. 의견 및 개선사항 전달
회원은 언제든지 웹셉 서비스 고객센터(admin@assemblecircle.com)를 통해 웹셉 서비스에 관한 의견이나 개선사항을 전달할 수 있습니다.
18. 분쟁 해결
본 약관 또는 웹셉 서비스와 관련한 어셈블써클과 회원 간의 관계는 대한민국법에 따릅니다. 어셈블써클과 회원 간에 발생한 모든 분쟁, 본 약관 또는 웹셉 서비스와 관련하여 발생한 모든 분쟁은 대한민국 민사소송법에 규정된 절차에 따라 해결됩니다.
19. 약관의 개정
어셈블써클은 본 약관을 관련 법령을 위배하지 않는 범위 내에서 개정할 수 있습니다. 본 약관이 개정되는 경우, 사전에 여러분께 그 개정이유와 적용일자를 알려드리도록 하겠습니다. 여러분은 개정된 약관이 웹셉 홈페이지에 게시된 날부터 적용일까지 약관 개정에 대한 의견을 전달하실 수 있습니다. 회원에게 불리한 중대한 약관의 변경이 발생하는 경우 변경일 30일 전까지 웹셉 홈페이지 내에 변경 사실을 공지합니다. 고지된 적용일자까지 여러분의 의견이 어셈블써클에 전달되지 않는다면, 여러분은 변경된 약관에 동의하는 것으로 간주됩니다. 만약 여러분이 개정된 약관에 동의하지 않는다면, 개정된 약관의 적용을 받는 웹셉 서비스가 여러분에게 제공되지 못할 수 있습니다.
저작권 © WebCeph. 판권 소유. WebCeph 및 WebCeph 로고는 (주)어셈블써클의 등록 상표입니다.
공고일자 : 2021년 8월 23일
시행일자 : 2021년 9월 1일
수집·이용 목적 | 수집하는 개인정보 항목 | 개인정보의 보유·이용기간 |
본인확인, SSO연동, 계악이행 및 약관 변경 등의 고지를 위한 연락, 본인 의사확인 및 민원 등의 고객불만처리 | 이름, ID, 비밀번호, 닉네임, 휴대폰번호, 이메일 주소, 국가명, 외국인등록번호(외국인인 경우) | 원칙: 회원탈퇴시까지 소비자 불만 또는 분쟁처리에 관한 기록: 3년 (전자상거래 등에서의 소비자 보호에 관한 법률, 이하 ‘전상법’) |
주문, 결제 및 배송서비스 | 이름, 아이디, 전화번호, 국가명, 주소, 이메일주소, 은행계좌정보, 휴대폰결제 시 휴대폰번호, 현금영수증 신청 시 현금영수증정보, 결제정보 | 계약 또는 청약철회: 5년 (전상법) 대금결제 및 재화 등의 공급기록: 5년(전상법) 세법이 규정하는 모든 거래에 관한 장부 및 증빙서류: 5년(국세기본법) |
본인인증식별, 본인여부, 연령확인, 부정이용방지, 맞춤서비스 등 통합서비스 운영(ID/PW찾기 및 웹셉 서비스) | 이름, ID, 비밀번호, 닉네임, 성별, 생년월일, 휴대폰번호, 이메일주소, 국가명, 직업, 약력 또는 경력, 병원명, 병원주소, 병원연락처, CI/DI, 아이핀 인증결과, 통신사, 내/외국인정보, 서비스이용기록, 기기정보 | 원칙: 회원탈퇴시까지 부정거래기록: 1년 |
해외 직배송상품 통관업무처리 | 개인고유통관부호 | 수입신고 등에 관한 기록 : 5년 |
*부정거래: 법령, 회사와 이용자 간의 서비스 이용 약관 또는 공서양속을 위반하거나 기타 회사, 회원 또는 타인의 권리나 이익을 침해하는 방법이나 내용의 거래를 말함.
※귀하는 개인정보 수집·이용 동의를 거부할 권리가 있습니다. 그러나 상기 개인정보 항목은 웹셉서비스 제공을 위해서 수집 및 이용이 필요한 최소한의 개인정보이므로 해당 항목에 동의를 거부하는 경우 귀하의 웹셉 서비스 이용이 제한될 수 있습니다.
※귀하는 아래 동의 후 언제든지 귀하의 개인정보를 수집한 자에게 개인정보의 열람·정정·삭제·처리중지를 요구할 수 있으며 아래 동의를 철회할 수도 있습니다.
수집·이용 목적 | 수집하는 개인정보 항목 | 개인정보의 보유·이용기간 |
신규 서비스개발, 맟춤 서비스 제공 및 마케팅, 서비스이용 통계 및 설문 | 성별, 생년월일, 휴대폰번호, 이메일 주소 | 원칙: 회원탈퇴시까지 |
※귀하는 개인정보 수집·이용 동의를 거부할 권리가 있습니다.
※귀하는 아래 동의 후 언제든지 귀하의 개인정보를 수집한 자에게 개인정보의 열람·정정·삭제·처리중지를 요구할 수 있으며 아래 동의를 철회할 수도 있습니다.
1. Nature and scope of the terms and conditions
These terms and conditions describe the relationship between AssembleCircle Corp.(hereinafter referred to as "AssembleCircle") and WebCeph members (hereinafter referred to as 'members') or non-members who use the WebCeph service, and the rights, obligations and necessary matters between the member and AssembleCircle in relation to the use of the WebCeph service provided by the AssembleCircle to members. It is for the purpose of defining.
When you use the WebCeph service or sign up as a member, you are required to confirm or agree to these terms and conditions. These terms and conditions are basically applied to all WebCeph services, but separate terms and operating policies may be applied for each individual service to comply with relevant laws and regulations and to achieve the purpose of each service.
2. WebCeph Service
WebCeph service is an orthodontic orthognathic artificial intelligence cloud platform designed by orthodontists and oral surgeons and developed by orthodontists. You can use the WebCeph service using a device that can connect to the Internet, such as a PC or mobile phone. WebCeph service includes diagnostic data analysis services for orthodontic and orthognathic surgery, and clinical case sharing and discussion platforms for academic purposes. For specific details of individual services, please refer to the WebCeph website.
WebCeph service is a service that assists doctors in diagnosis, medical plan establishment, medical practice, etc. WebCeph Services can help you, however, WebCeph Services is neither a medical institution nor a healthcare provider and does not provide medical advice or diagnosis. In other words, WebCeph service does not function as a substitute for a service that provides expert opinion or professional opinion in any way. AssembleCircle recommends that members establish a medical plan, perform medical treatment, or receive treatment through consultation with a medical professional along with the WebCeph service.
AssembleCircle provides the same service to all members, but the scope of the service provided for each individual service may vary to comply with relevant laws and regulations and to achieve the goal of individual service. For example, some of the WebCeph services may be provided only to members with medical qualifications, and members who wish to use the services may be required to provide evidence of medical qualifications to be provided with the services.
The AssembleCircle may modify, suspend, or terminate some or all the contents of the WebCeph website or WebCeph service for reasons of compliance with related laws and regulations, maintenance and management of services, and business judgment. For example, to perform routine or non-routine maintenance of the WebCeph service, to correct errors, or to perform other changes, we may suspend the WebCeph homepage or some operations of the WebCeph service as needed. In addition, AssembleCircle may stop the operation of the WebCeph service in a certain residential area. If a member violates the terms and conditions and related laws, services may no longer be provided to the member.
he WebCeph service is currently free, but it may be converted to a paid service in some or all of the WebCeph service. If there is a conversion in service payment, partial or whole, we will inform the members regarding the scope and pricing policy of the WebCeph service in advance.
3. Sign Up
4. Types of services and how to use them
5. Restrictions on service use
6. Cancellation of service use contract
7. Intellectual property rights
The intellectual property rights of the content (hereinafter referred to as “content”) created by a member in through the WebCeph service belongs to the member in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations. Intellectual property rights related to WebCeph services (for example, AssembleCircle's trademark, etc.) and intellectual property rights of all materials that are stored, displayed or accessible on the WebCeph homepage are owned or licensed by the AssembleCircle. You may modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transfer, distribute, sell, license, lease, publicly display or perform, edit, or otherwise modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit, distribute, sell, publicly display, or otherwise modify, in any way, without the written consent of the Assemblies. Secondary works cannot be produced.
In addition, members may view, use, download, and print selected portions of the WebCeph homepage for personal, non-commercial, and informational purposes, without posting WebCeph contents as is.
AssembleCircle shall not be held liable for any infringement of intellectual property rights of third parties during the process of creating contents by members, or disputes on intellectual property rights between members arising from members using contents of other members.
8. Data management policy
WebCeph services need to transfer, store, copy, delete, and edit data related to cloud services. In addition, WebCeph needs to index the content to retrieve, protect, and back up data. By using the WebCeph service, members give the AssembleCircle the authority to manage data. When a member provides data to the WebCeph service, the member has the right to use, store, copy, modify, transmit, disclose, explain, publicly post, distribute, or create a secondary work derived from the data on AssembleCircle is considered licensed.
The above license is valid even after the member stops using the WebCeph service or deactivates the account and AssembleCircle can use the above data to improve the WebCeph services or to develop a new WebCeph service through the above license. WebCeph will do its best to provide more convenient and useful services to the members through continuous service improvement, research, and development.
9. Collection of personal information
The company strives to protect the personal information of members as stipulated by relevant laws and regulations. The protection and use of personal information is in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations and the company's personal information processing policy.
The company does not provide personal information without the individual consent of the information subject to third parties, except in cases where the member uses the service and is requested to provide information from an investigative agency or other public institution in violation of related laws.
The company provides information only to the extent necessary for the entrusted company to investigate, also manages and supervises the safe processing of the users' valuable personal information.
The company does not collect personal information of minors under the age of 19.
10. Personal information entrusted by WebCeph
When a member provides data, etc. to AssembleCircle for the use of the WebCeph service, the member has all legal rights to the personal information (patient information) and the information subject (patient) for entrustment of the personal information (patient information). You must obtain consent.
For example, if you want to collect the personal information (patient information) of the information subject (patient) who uses the hospital or clinic you operate and provide it to the AssembleCircle, you must use the consent form below to provide the above personal information (patient Information) is collected and the consent of the data subject (patient) must be obtained for the above personal information (patient information) to be entrusted to the AssembleCircle.
[Check the consent form included in the member's guide (link)]
If the member's personal information (patient information) consignment provision violates the relevant laws or the terms and conditions of the WebCeph service and the operation policy, the provision of the WebCeph service may be suspended, Personal information (patient information) may be deleted, member's use of the WebCeph service may be restricted or the account may be suspended. AssembleCircle is not responsible for any disputes between the member and the information subject (patient) or damages to the information subject arising from the violation of laws and regulations, etc.
Members who agree to these terms and conditions are deemed to have entrusted personal information processing work to the AssembleCircle in accordance with Article 26 of the Personal Information Protection Act. Please familiarize yourself with the following regarding personal information processing consignment.
Trustee (country to which personal information is transferred according to the consignment) | AssembleCircle Corp. (S.Korea) |
Commissioned work | WebCeph service provision and data management |
Items of personal information transferred | Name, date of birth, gender, race, facial picture, oral picture, X-ray picture, measurement coordinates in medical images (radiation pictures and clinical pictures), diagnosis contents, treatment plan, treatment details |
Transfer date and transfer method | Retransfer of information stored in the cloud service when collecting personal information |
Trustee contact information | 411-ho, 4th floor, 240, Pangyoyeok-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do (13493) |
Purpose of use and retention period of trustee | Until the member's service ends |
Trustee (country) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (United States) |
Consignment work | Cloud service |
Items of personal information transferred | Name, date of birth, gender, race, facial picture, oral picture, X-ray picture, measurement coordinates in medical images (radiation pictures and clinical pictures), diagnosis contents, treatment plan, treatment details |
Transfer date and transfer method | When collecting personal information, it is stored in the cloud service |
Trustee contact information | 12F, 508, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (GS Tower) (06141) |
Purpose of use and retention period of trustee | Cloud service provision, until the end of the consignment contract |
Trustee (country) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (Germany) |
Consignment work | Cloud service |
Items of personal information transferred | Name, date of birth, gender, race, facial picture, oral picture, X-ray picture, measurement coordinates in medical images (radiation pictures and clinical pictures), diagnosis contents, treatment plan, treatment details |
Transfer date and transfer method | When collecting personal information, it is stored in the cloud service |
Trustee contact information | 12F, 508, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (GS Tower) (06141) |
Purpose of use and retention period of trustee | Cloud service provision, until the end of the consignment contract |
Trustee (country) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (United Kingdom) |
Consignment work | Cloud service |
Items of personal information transferred | Name, date of birth, gender, race, facial picture, oral picture, X-ray picture, measurement coordinates in medical images (radiation pictures and clinical pictures), diagnosis contents, treatment plan, treatment details |
Transfer date and transfer method | When collecting personal information, it is stored in the cloud service |
Trustee contact information | 12F, 508, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (GS Tower) (06141) |
Purpose of use and retention period of trustee | Cloud service provision, until the end of the consignment contract |
Trustee (country) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (Australia) |
Consignment work | Cloud service |
Items of personal information transferred | Name, date of birth, gender, race, facial picture, oral picture, X-ray picture, measurement coordinates in medical images (radiation pictures and clinical pictures), diagnosis contents, treatment plan, treatment details |
Transfer date and transfer method | When collecting personal information, it is stored in the cloud service |
Trustee contact information | 12F, 508, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (GS Tower) (06141) |
Purpose of use and retention period of trustee | Cloud service provision, until the end of the consignment contract |
Trustee (country) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (Brazil) |
Consignment work | Cloud service |
Items of personal information transferred | Name, date of birth, gender, race, facial picture, oral picture, X-ray picture, measurement coordinates in medical images (radiation pictures and clinical pictures), diagnosis contents, treatment plan, treatment details |
Transfer date and transfer method | When collecting personal information, it is stored in the cloud service |
Trustee contact information | 12F, 508, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (GS Tower) (06141) |
Purpose of use and retention period of trustee | Cloud service provision, until the end of the consignment contract |
Trustee (country) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (France) |
Consignment work | Cloud service |
Items of personal information transferred | Name, date of birth, gender, race, facial picture, oral picture, X-ray picture, measurement coordinates in medical images (radiation pictures and clinical pictures), diagnosis contents, treatment plan, treatment details |
Transfer date and transfer method | When collecting personal information, it is stored in the cloud service |
Trustee contact information | 12F, 508, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (GS Tower) (06141) |
Purpose of use and retention period of trustee | Cloud service provision, until the end of the consignment contract |
Trustee (country) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (India) |
Consignment work | Cloud service |
Items of personal information transferred | Name, date of birth, gender, race, facial picture, oral picture, X-ray picture, measurement coordinates in medical images (radiation pictures and clinical pictures), diagnosis contents, treatment plan, treatment details |
Transfer date and transfer method | When collecting personal information, it is stored in the cloud service |
Trustee contact information | 12F, 508, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (GS Tower) (06141) |
Purpose of use and retention period of trustee | Cloud service provision, until the end of the consignment contract |
Trustee (country) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (S.Korea) |
Consignment work | Cloud service |
Items of personal information transferred | Name, date of birth, gender, race, facial picture, oral picture, X-ray picture, measurement coordinates in medical images (radiation pictures and clinical pictures), diagnosis contents, treatment plan, treatment details |
Transfer date and transfer method | When collecting personal information, it is stored in the cloud service |
Trustee contact information | 12F, 508, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (GS Tower) (06141) |
Purpose of use and retention period of trustee | Cloud service provision, until the end of the consignment contract |
Trustee (country) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (Japan) |
Consignment work | Cloud service |
Items of personal information transferred | Name, date of birth, gender, race, facial picture, oral picture, X-ray picture, measurement coordinates in medical images (radiation pictures and clinical pictures), diagnosis contents, treatment plan, treatment details |
Transfer date and transfer method | When collecting personal information, it is stored in the cloud service |
Trustee contact information | 12F, 508, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (GS Tower) (06141) |
Purpose of use and retention period of trustee | Cloud service provision, until the end of the consignment contract |
Trustee (country) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (Singapore) |
Consignment work | Cloud service |
Items of personal information transferred | Name, date of birth, gender, race, facial picture, oral picture, X-ray picture, measurement coordinates in medical images (radiation pictures and clinical pictures), diagnosis contents, treatment plan, treatment details |
Transfer date and transfer method | When collecting personal information, it is stored in the cloud service |
Trustee contact information | 12F, 508, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (GS Tower) (06141) |
Purpose of use and retention period of trustee | Cloud service provision, until the end of the consignment contract |
Trustee (country) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (Sweden) |
Consignment work | Cloud service |
Items of personal information transferred | Name, date of birth, gender, race, facial picture, oral picture, X-ray picture, measurement coordinates in medical images (radiation pictures and clinical pictures), diagnosis contents, treatment plan, treatment details |
Transfer date and transfer method | When collecting personal information, it is stored in the cloud service |
Trustee contact information | 12F, 508, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (GS Tower) (06141) |
Purpose of use and retention period of trustee | Cloud service provision, until the end of the consignment contract |
Countries transferred upon re-entrustment | Country of data subject (patient) |
United States | Bahamas / Belize / Bermuda / Cayman Islands / Costa Rica / Cuba / Dominica / Dominican Republic / El Salvador / Guadeloupe / Guam / Guatemala / Haiti / Honduras / Jamaica / Mexico / Montserrat / Nicaragua / Northern Mariana Islands / Panama / Pitcairn / Puerto Rico / Republic of Korea / Saint Barthelemy / Saint Kitts and Nevis / Saint Lucia / Saint Martin(French part) / Sint Maarten(Dutch part) / Tanzania / Turks and Caicos Islands / United States / United States Minor Outlying Islands / Virgin Islands |
Canada | Canada / Greenland / Saint Pierre and Miquelon |
Germany | Albania / Angola / Armenia / Austria / Azerbaijan / Belgium / Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bulgaria / Cameroon / Central African Republic / Chad / Congo / Congo / Croatia / Cyprus / Czech Republic / Egypt / Equatorial Guinea / Georgia / Germany / Greece / Holy See(Vatican City State) / Hungary / Israel / Italy / Jordan / Lebanon / Libya / Liechtenstein / Luxembourg / Macedonia / Malta / Moldova / Montenegro / Namibia / Netherlands / Niger / Nigeria / Palestine / Poland / Romania / Russian Federation / Rwanda / San Marino / Serbia / Slovakia / Slovenia / South Africa / South Sudan / Sudan / Swaziland / Switzerland / Syrian Arab Republic / Tunisia / Turkey / Uganda / Ukraine / Zambia / Zimbabwe |
United Kingdom | Guernsey / Iceland / Ireland / Isle of Man / Jersey / United Kingdom |
Australia | American Samoa / Antarctica / Australia / Cook Islands / Fiji / French Polynesia / French Southern Territories / Heard Island and McDonald Islands / Kiribati / Marshall Islands / Micronesia, Federated States of / Nauru / New Caledonia / New Zealand / Niue / Norfolk Island / Papua New Guinea / Samoa / Solomon Islands / Tokelau / Tonga / Tuvalu / Vanuatu / Wallis and Futuna |
Brazil | Anguilla / Antigua and Barbuda / Argentina / Aruba / Barbados / Bolivia, Plurinational State of / Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba / Bouvet Island / Brazil / Chile / Colombia / Curacao / Ecuador / Falkland Islands (Malvinas) / French Guiana / Grenada / Guyana / Martinique / Paraguay / Peru / Saint Vincent and the Grenadines / South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands / Suriname / Trinidad and Tobago / Uruguay / Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of |
France | Algeria / Andorra / Benin / Burkina Faso / Cape Verde / Cote d'Ivoire / France / Gabon / Gambia / Ghana / Gibraltar / Guinea / Guinea-Bissau / Liberia / Mali / Mauritania / Monaco / Morocco / Portugal / Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha / Sao Tome and Principe / Senegal / Sierra Leone / Spain / Togo / Western Sahara |
India | Afghanistan / Bahrain / Bangladesh / Bhutan / Botswana / British Indian Ocean Territory / Burundi / Comoros / Djibouti / Eritrea/ Ethiopia / India / Iran, Islamic Republic of / Iraq / Kazakhstan / Kenya / Kuwait / Kyrgyzstan / Lesotho / Madagascar / Malawi / Maldives / Mauritius / Mayotte / Mozambique / Nepal / Oman / Pakistan / Qatar / Reunion / Saudi Arabia / Seychelles/ Somalia / Sri Lanka / Tajikistan / Turkmenistan / United Arab Emirates / Uzbekistan / Yemen |
Korea, Republic of | China / Hong Kong / Korea, Democratic People's Republic of / Korea, Republic of / Macao / Mongolia / Taiwan |
Japan | Japan |
Singapore | Brunei Darussalam / Cambodia / Christmas Island / Cocos (Keeling) Islands / Indonesia / Lao People's Democratic Republic / Malaysia / Myanmar / Palau / Philippines / Singapore / Thailand / Timor-Leste / Viet Nam |
Sweden | Aland Islands / Belarus / Denmark / Estonia / Faroe Islands / Finland / Latvia / Lithuania / Norway / Svalbard and Jan Mayen / Sweden |
11. Processing of anonymous information
Anonymous information refers to information that is no longer recognizable by using any other information given with reasonable time, cost, and technology. Members may provide or disclose anonymous information to AssembleCircle and other members during the process of using the WebCeph service. In this case, the consent of the information subject (patient) in paragraph 7 is not required.
For example, photographs in which it is impossible to identify a patient by any technical means may be considered anonymous information.
AssembleCircle does not guarantee the anonymity of anonymous information provided or disclosed by the member, and all risks due to insufficient anonymization are within the scope of the member's responsibility. Before providing anonymous information, be sure to review the appropriateness of anonymization.
In addition, the anonymous information disclosed by the member in the gallery can be used freely by the AssembleCircle for new service development, etc.
11. Protection and management of personal information
AssembleCircle collects and uses the personal information included in the data entrusted by the member, including the member's personal information, only within the purpose and scope agreed by the member, and does not provide it to third parties other than AssembleCircle without the consent of the member. It is managed safely in accordance with the laws and regulations related to personal information protection.
The subject of the personal information can request the AssembleCircle to view, correct, or delete the personal information at any time, and the member can withdraw his or her consent to provide personal information to the AssembleCircle.
Details on the protection and management of personal information can be found in the Privacy Policy.
12. Member Responsibilities
If the member confirms that he/she is 19 years of age or older, the member should agree that he/she is responsible for checking and complying with these Terms and Conditions when registering as a member. If a member violates these terms and conditions, the provision of the WebCeph service may be suspended, and the account may be suspended. For example, members should not do the following actions.
If a member does not fulfill the obligations under these terms and conditions, even if the AssembleCircle does not immediately claim the rights to the member or delays the enforcement of the rights, this does not mean that AssembleCircle has waived the above rights. If AssembleCircle decides not to exercise the right of AssembleCircle in accordance with the member's failure to fulfill its obligations under these terms and conditions, AssembleCircle will only do this through written work.
13. AssembleCircle's Responsibilities
If you experience damage due to the intentional or negligence of AssembleCircle in the process of using the WebCeph service, AssembleCircle will compensate for your damage in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations. However, AssembleCircle is not responsible for any special or punitive damages that are not normally foreseeable. Even if the above damages are caused by natural disasters or equivalent force majeure, AssembleCircle is not responsible.
AssembleCircle makes no warranties, either express or implied, as to the accuracy, appropriateness, timeliness, completeness, and reliability of the following items.
WebCeph homepage may contain links to third-party websites, including social media websites such as 'Facebook' and 'Twitter', but this is provided solely for the convenience of the members, and AssembleCircle is an external website linked to the website. We do not endorse or endorse the content of social media.
WebCeph homepage may contain links to third-party websites, including social media websites such as 'Facebook' and 'Twitter', but this is provided solely for the convenience of the members, and AssembleCircle is an external website linked to the website. We do not endorse or endorse the content of social media.
You may not use WebCeph Service for any commercial or business purpose, and AssembleCircle has no responsibility for any liability or loss of any kind incurred by you as a result.
14. Member's liability
15. Provision of paid services
The basic services of the WebCeph service are provided for free use after watching advertisements, but some services may be provided as paid services. For example, tracing and basic cephalometric analysis functions of dental medical images can be used for free with advertisements, but functions such as analysis without advertisements or time-lapse video generation of treatment progress can only be used with a paid membership.
WebCeph members can apply for a paid service use contract according to the procedure provided by AssembleCircle and use the paid service after AssembleCircle's approval. However, in the following cases, it may not be accepted or the consent may be withheld.
In principle, WebCeph members use the paid service provided by AssembleCircle after paying the usage fee. The payment method for the fee for the paid services provided by AssembleCircle is based on credit card payment, but there may be differences in the payment method for each paid service. In the case of a service for which regular monthly payment is made, monthly payment is automatically made unless you request cancellation of the regular payment. In the case of a service for which regular yearly payment is made, yearly payment is automatically made unless you request cancellation of the regular payment.
AssembleCircle may periodically request members' personal information that is essential for payment, and WebCeph members must accurately provide personal information requested by AssembleCircle.
16.Cancellation of use of paid services
If you wish to cancel the paid service use contract, WebCeph members can apply for cancellation of the paid service at any time by using the menu provided in the service, and AssembleCircle will process it promptly as stipulated by law.
The cancellation of the paid service use contract is established by the WebCeph member's application for cancellation of the paid service use contract and the approval of AssembleCircle.
If the application for termination of the paid service use contract is established by the approval of AssembleCircle, the termination will be processed after the period of use for the current subscription term is over, and regular payment will no longer occur. Paid service benefits are maintained normally until the last day of the current subscription term.
If you cancel a subscription service (e.g., monthly subscription service, yearly subscription service), you will not receive a refund for the service you have already paid for.
In the case of one-time payment products (e.g., content products, cyber money, etc.) that are not subscription services, you can cancel through WebCeph customer service center within 7 days from the payment date. You must notify WebCeph customer service center (admin@assemblecircle.com) of your intention to cancel by e-mail, and AssembleCircle will refund within 5 business days after confirming the member's request and refund policy of WebCeph. WebCeph members cannot receive a refund for one-time payment products that have passed 7 days from the payment date.
If you want to use the service again after canceling the contract for using the paid service, you can apply for the paid service again using the menu provided in the service.
17. Delivery of opinions and improvements
Members may provide comments or feedbacks for the improvement of WebCeph services at any time through the WebCeph Service Customer Center (admin@AssembleCircle.com).
18. Dispute resolution
The relationship between AssembleCircle and the member in relation to these terms and conditions or the WebCeph service is governed by Korean law. Any dispute arising between the AssembleCircle and the member, any dispute arising out of these terms and conditions or in connection with the WebCeph service will be resolved in accordance with the procedures stipulated in the Korean Civil Procedure Act.
19. Amendment of Terms and Conditions
AssembleCircle may revise these Terms and Conditions within the scope of not violating relevant laws and regulations. If these Terms and Conditions are revised, we will notify you in advance about the reason for the revision and the effective date. You can send your opinion on the revision of the terms from the date the revised terms are posted on the WebCeph website to the effective date.
In the event of a change to the terms and conditions that are unfavorable to the member, the change will be notified on the WebCeph website 30 days before the change date. If your opinion is not communicated to the AssembleCircle by the notified effective date, you are deemed to agree to the revised terms and conditions. If you do not agree to the revised terms and conditions, we may not be able to provide you with WebCeph services subject to the revised terms and conditions.
Clause 1
For the purposes of the Clauses:
'personal data', 'special categories of data', 'process/processing', 'controller', 'processor', 'data subject' and 'supervisory authority' shall have the same meaning as in Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data;
'the data exporter' means the controller who transfers the personal data;
'the data importer' means the processor who agrees to receive from the data exporter personal data intended for processing on his behalf after the transfer in accordance with his instructions and the terms of the Clauses and who is not subject to a third country's system ensuring adequate protection within the meaning of Article 25(1) of Directive 95/46/EC;
'the subprocessor' means any processor engaged by the data importer or by any other subprocessor of the data importer who agrees to receive from the data importer or from any other subprocessor of the data importer personal data exclusively intended for processing activities to be carried out on behalf of the data exporter after the transfer in accordance with his instructions, the terms of the Clauses and the terms of the written subcontract;
'the applicable data protection law' means the legislation protecting the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals and, in particular, their right to privacy with respect to the processing of personal data applicable to a data controller in the Member State in which the data exporter is established;
'technical and organisational security measures' means those measures aimed at protecting personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction or accidental loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure or access, in particular where the processing involves the transmission of data over a network, and against all other unlawful forms of processing.
Clause 2
Details of the transfer
The details of the transfer and in particular the special categories of personal data where applicable are as follows:
The data exporter is a member of WebCeph, who collects personal data from a patient and transfers the personal data to the AssembleCircle Corporation through the WebCeph service for consigning the processing of personal data
The data importer is AssembleCircle Corporation, and will consign processing of the personal data to a subprocessor, such as Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (United States, Canada, Germany, England)
The personal data transferred concern the following categories of data subjects: Patients who have consented to the processing of their personal data to WebCeph member
The personal data transferred concern the following categories of data: Name, date of birth, contact information, address, prescription contents by date of examination, diagnosis details, intraoral photos and scans, facial part photos
The personal data transferred concern the following special categories of data: Prescription contents by date of examination, diagnosis details, intraoral photos and scans, facial part photos
When collecting personal data, it is stored in the cloud service, and it can be accessed and processed.
Clause 3
Third-party beneficiary clause
Clause 4
Obligations of the data exporter
The data exporter agrees and warrants:
Clause 5
Obligations of the data importer
The data importer agrees and warrants:
Clause 6
Clause 7
Mediation and jurisdiction
Clause 8
Cooperation with supervisory authorities
Clause 9
Governing Law
The Clauses shall be governed by the law of the Member State in which the data exporter is established.
Clause 10
Variation of the contract
The parties undertake not to vary or modify the Clauses. This does not preclude the parties from adding clauses on business related issues where required as long as they do not contradict the Clause.
Clause 11
Clause 12
Obligation after the termination of personal data processing services
Clause 13
Technical and organisational security measures
Technical and organisational security measures implemented by the data importer in accordance with Clauses 4(d) and 5(c) are as follows:
Copyright © AssembCircle. All rights reserved. WebCeph and the WebCeph logo are registered trademarks of AssembleCircle Corp.
Announcement Date: August 23, 2021
Effective Date: September 1, 2021
This Privacy Notice explains how AssembleCircle Corporation (“the Company”) processes the personal data of its users, including without limitation, the options that a user selects for the collection, use and disclosure of his or her certain data.
Controller and Contact Information
The service provider and controller of personal data is as follows:
AssembleCircle Corporation (“Company”)
411-ho, 4th floor, 240, Pangyoyeok-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
The DPO of the Company is as follows:
Collection and Use of data
We collect personal data users provide to us which includes:
Method of collection
The Company collects the personal data of users in the following manner (Article 6(1)(a)):
Disclosure of Personal Data
We may disclose users’ personal data for certain purposes and to third parties, as described below:
Whenever in the course of sharing information we transfer personal data to countries outside of the European Economic Area and other regions with comprehensive data protection laws, we will ensure that the information is transferred in accordance with this Privacy Notice and as permitted by the applicable laws on data protection. Personal data transferred (such as name and contact information) may be saved electronically on servers operated by our Service Providers for record keeping purposes and other purposes as set out in this Privacy Notice.
Necessity of personal data
The personal data provided by users is necessary for the service use contract between a user and the Company and the smooth delivery of the services therein. Users are restricted from using the Company’s services unless they give consent to the collection of essential personal data. However, users may refuse to provide optional personal data, and in such case, they will still be able to use the Company’s services except those that require the provision of optional personal data.
Transfers of Personal Data to Third Countries
The Company may transfer users’ personal data to companies located in other countries or other companies for any purpose specified in this Policy. It will take reasonable measures to the companies where the information is transmitted, retained or processed in order to protect the information.
In particular, the Company transfers all personal data provided by the users or automatically collected by the Company to a server located in the United States and re-transfers it to the Republic of Korea. The United States and the Republic of Korea have not received an adequacy decision from the European Commission, and the laws of the United States and the Republic of Korea do not stipulate all the rights of data subjects and principles of information processing as defined by the GDPR. However, the Company fully complies to the GDPR through this Privacy Policy, and users are entitled to all protections based on the GDPR.
Based on the above notice, the Company may transfer users’ personal data to the United States and the Republic of Korea after obtaining explicit consent for transfer of personal data to third countries (Article 49 Paragraph 1 (a)).
Users’ rights
Users or their legal representatives, as data subjects, can exercise the following rights regarding the collection, use and disclosure of personal data by the Company:
In order to exercise any of the foregoing rights, users may use the ‘Edit Profile’ menu on the Company website, make a written request to the Company (or the DPO, representative) using the data subject request form provided by the Company. In such case, the Company shall immediately make actions accordingly: provided, however, that the Company may reject such request if and to the extent there are reasonable grounds prescribed in law or equivalent thereto.
Upon the request from a data subject, the Company must take the following actions:
Also users or their legal representatives have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (Article 13(2) and 14(2)(e)).
The Company takes the security of personal data seriously. It has the following security measures to prevent the unauthorized access to, or disclosure, use or change of the personal data (Article 32).
Children, as defined in this Privacy Policy, refer to those under 13 or those under minimum age defined between 13 and 16 by relevant law. The relevant jurisdictions in which the Company’s services are provided define the minimum age of children that requires parental consent when processing personal data as follows:
Our products and services are intended for use by individuals 17 years of age and older, and those under the age of 17 are not eligible to use any of our service. In principle, the Company does not collect any personal data from children. However, if the Company learns that any personal data of children has been collected through WebCeph application, it will take the appropriate steps to delete this data.
However, if the Company collects, for the provision of its services, any personal data of children, it will comply will comply with the following procedures for the protection of children’s personal data (Article 8):
The Company may use users’ personal data to create individual or collective profiles (hereinafter referred to as “profiling”) for the purpose of identifying how to provide the users with better services, for example, providing the users with customized content of services by analyzing which aspect of the Company and/or services most attracts users, and the patterns in which users use the services. In addition, the Company uses the personal data for the following purposes: to create user clusters to identify the users’ interest in the Company’s products and/or services; to analyze the market and statistics or; to enhance the Company’s services (all websites, etc.). It may integrate the data provided by all its websites and applications with the users’ personal data provided by Learning Lab. The processing of personal data for profiling is carried out in line with the guarantees and measures specified in applicable law (Article 22).
Data Retention Policy
For the purpose of protecting users’ data, the Company complies with the principle of Data Minimisation where the processing of personal data should be appropriate and limited to the extent solely necessary for the purposes for which the data are processed (Article 5 Paragraph 1 (c)). To this end, the Company abides by the following retention policy:
Privacy Policy related to the Company’s employees
The Company educates and monitors employees including the HR department that handle personal data of the Company’s employees not only to handle users’ personal data but also employees’ personal data in compliance with the GDPR (Article 39). The Company documents the records that manage all training-related contents for employees (date, time, list of subjects, list of attendees, contents of training, subject of training, role of DPO).
The company delivers this Privacy Policy to its employees, either in hard copy documents or electronically. Employees who process personal data have the right, for example, to request the employer to correct incorrect information regarding that personal data.
Modification of Privacy Policy
The Company has the right to amend or modify this Privacy Policy from time to time, in which case, the Company will make a public notice of it through bulletin board of WebCeph application (or through individual notice in writing or by fax or e-mail) and have the consent of the users if required by relevant law.
Cookies and Internet Advertising
The Company may collect collective impersonal data through ‘cookies’ or ‘web beacons.’
Cookies are substantially small text files to be sent to the browser of the users by the server used for the operation of the Company’s websites and are stored in hard-disks of the users' computers.
Web beacons are a small quantity of code which exists on websites and e-mail. By using web beacons, we can identify whether a user has interacted with certain webs or the contents of email.
These functions are used for evaluating, improving services and customizing user experience so that the Company provides way improved services for the users.
The items of cookies to be collected by the Company and the purpose of such collection are as follows:
The users have an option for cookie installation: accepting all cookies, making each cookie confirmed whenever it is saved, or refusing the storage of all cookies: Provided that, such refusal may limit the user from using the parts of services provided by the Company.
The latest update date: August 23, 2021
The Company hereby explains the processing of personal data as follows and seeks your consent to such processing under applicable Articles of GDPR including without limitation the Articles 6.1(a) and 8 thereof. Detailed information regarding each of the following items is notified in the Privacy Notice, so please read the Privacy Notice before agreeing to the following items.
1. Processing of Personal Data
1) Required Items
You have the right to refuse the processing of your data. However, such refusal may lead to the restriction of your complete use of services.
<What items of personal data is processed>
[Verification of user identity, SSO linkage, contact to user, handling of customer complaints]
Name, ID, password, mobile phone number, e-mail address, foreigner registration number (for foreigners)
[Provision of order, payment and delivery services]
Name, phone number, address, bank account information, mobile phone number (when paying by mobile phone), cash receipt information (when applying for a cash receipt)
[Verification of user identity, prevention of illegal use, integrated service operation such as customized service (ID/PW search and medical service)]
Name, gender, date of birth, mobile phone number, CI/DI, i-PIN authentication result, cellular service provider information, domestic/foreigner information, service usage record, device information
[Handling of customs clearance for products directly delivered overseas]
PCCC (Personal Customs Clearance Code)
<How long personal data is retained>
The Company retains your data until you withdraw from membership, except in the following cases.
<Why the personal data is processed>
What items of personal data are transferred | Name, ID, password, nickname, gender, date of birth, mobile phone number, e-mail address, nationality, occupation, profile or work experience, hospital name, hospital address, hospital contact information, foreigner registration number, bank account information, cash receipt information, payment information, CI/DI, i-PIN authentication result, cellular service provider information, domestic/foreigner information, service usage record, device information, Information actually collected among personal customs clearance codes |
Receiving country | The Republic of Korea |
Where, when and how personal data is transferred | When personal data is collected, it will be stored in the cloud service |
Who a recipient is | The Company |
Why the recipient uses personal data | To manage the personal data of users and their membership and to provide adequate service. |
How long the recipient retains and uses personal data | Until termination of provision of cloud service and consignment contract |
The Company hereby explains the processing of personal data as follows and seeks your consent to such processing under applicable Articles of GDPR including without limitation the Articles 6.1(a) and 8 thereof. Detailed information regarding each of the following items is notified in the Privacy Notice, so please read the Privacy Notice before agreeing to the following items.
1. Processing of Personal Data
2) Optional Items
You have the right to refuse the processing of your data. WebCeph service is available even if you refuse to consent to the collection and use of optional items.
<What items of personal data is processed>
[New service development, customized service provision and marketing, service usage statistics and surveys]
gender, date of birth, mobile phone number, e-mail address
<How long personal data is retained>
The Company retains your data until you withdraw from membership, except in the following cases.
<Why the personal data is processed>
1. Nature and scope of the terms and conditions
These terms and conditions describe the relationship between AssembleCircle Corp.(hereinafter referred to as "AssembleCircle") and WebCeph members (hereinafter referred to as 'members') or non-members who use the WebCeph service, and the rights, obligations and necessary matters between the member and AssembleCircle in relation to the use of the WebCeph service provided by the AssembleCircle to members. It is for the purpose of defining.
When you use the WebCeph service or sign up as a member, you are required to confirm or agree to these terms and conditions. These terms and conditions are basically applied to all WebCeph services, but separate terms and operating policies may be applied for each individual service to comply with relevant laws and regulations and to achieve the purpose of each service.
2. WebCeph Service
WebCeph service is an orthodontic orthognathic artificial intelligence cloud platform designed by orthodontists and oral surgeons and developed by orthodontists. You can use the WebCeph service using a device that can connect to the Internet, such as a PC or mobile phone. WebCeph service includes diagnostic data analysis services for orthodontic and orthognathic surgery, and clinical case sharing and discussion platforms for academic purposes. For specific details of individual services, please refer to the WebCeph website.
WebCeph service is a service that assists doctors in diagnosis, medical plan establishment, medical practice, etc. WebCeph Services can help you, however, WebCeph Services is neither a medical institution nor a healthcare provider and does not provide medical advice or diagnosis. In other words, WebCeph service does not function as a substitute for a service that provides expert opinion or professional opinion in any way. AssembleCircle recommends that members establish a medical plan, perform medical treatment, or receive treatment through consultation with a medical professional along with the WebCeph service.
AssembleCircle provides the same service to all members, but the scope of the service provided for each individual service may vary to comply with relevant laws and regulations and to achieve the goal of individual service. For example, some of the WebCeph services may be provided only to members with medical qualifications, and members who wish to use the services may be required to provide evidence of medical qualifications to be provided with the services.
The AssembleCircle may modify, suspend, or terminate some or all the contents of the WebCeph website or WebCeph service for reasons of compliance with related laws and regulations, maintenance and management of services, and business judgment. For example, to perform routine or non-routine maintenance of the WebCeph service, to correct errors, or to perform other changes, we may suspend the WebCeph homepage or some operations of the WebCeph service as needed. In addition, AssembleCircle may stop the operation of the WebCeph service in a certain residential area. If a member violates the terms and conditions and related laws, services may no longer be provided to the member.
he WebCeph service is currently free, but it may be converted to a paid service in some or all of the WebCeph service. If there is a conversion in service payment, partial or whole, we will inform the members regarding the scope and pricing policy of the WebCeph service in advance.
3. Sign Up
4. Types of services and how to use them
5. Restrictions on service use
6. Cancellation of service use contract
7. Intellectual property rights
The intellectual property rights of the content (hereinafter referred to as “content”) created by a member in through the WebCeph service belongs to the member in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations. Intellectual property rights related to WebCeph services (for example, AssembleCircle's trademark, etc.) and intellectual property rights of all materials that are stored, displayed or accessible on the WebCeph homepage are owned or licensed by the AssembleCircle. You may modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transfer, distribute, sell, license, lease, publicly display or perform, edit, or otherwise modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit, distribute, sell, publicly display, or otherwise modify, in any way, without the written consent of the Assemblies. Secondary works cannot be produced.
In addition, members may view, use, download, and print selected portions of the WebCeph homepage for personal, non-commercial, and informational purposes, without posting WebCeph contents as is.
AssembleCircle shall not be held liable for any infringement of intellectual property rights of third parties during the process of creating contents by members, or disputes on intellectual property rights between members arising from members using contents of other members.
8. Data management policy
WebCeph services need to transfer, store, copy, delete, and edit data related to cloud services. In addition, WebCeph needs to index the content to retrieve, protect, and back up data. By using the WebCeph service, members give the AssembleCircle the authority to manage data. When a member provides data to the WebCeph service, the member has the right to use, store, copy, modify, transmit, disclose, explain, publicly post, distribute, or create a secondary work derived from the data on AssembleCircle is considered licensed.
The above license is valid even after the member stops using the WebCeph service or deactivates the account and AssembleCircle can use the above data to improve the WebCeph services or to develop a new WebCeph service through the above license. WebCeph will do its best to provide more convenient and useful services to the members through continuous service improvement, research, and development.
9. Collection of personal information
The company strives to protect the personal information of members as stipulated by relevant laws and regulations. The protection and use of personal information is in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations and the company's personal information processing policy.
The company does not provide personal information without the individual consent of the information subject to third parties, except in cases where the member uses the service and is requested to provide information from an investigative agency or other public institution in violation of related laws.
The company provides information only to the extent necessary for the entrusted company to investigate, also manages and supervises the safe processing of the users' valuable personal information.
The company does not collect personal information of minors under the age of 19.
10. Personal information entrusted by WebCeph
When a member provides data, etc. to AssembleCircle for the use of the WebCeph service, the member has all legal rights to the personal information (patient information) and the information subject (patient) for entrustment of the personal information (patient information). You must obtain consent.
For example, if you want to collect the personal information (patient information) of the information subject (patient) who uses the hospital or clinic you operate and provide it to the AssembleCircle, you must use the consent form below to provide the above personal information (patient Information) is collected and the consent of the data subject (patient) must be obtained for the above personal information (patient information) to be entrusted to the AssembleCircle.
[Check the consent form included in the member's guide (link)]
If the member's personal information (patient information) consignment provision violates the relevant laws or the terms and conditions of the WebCeph service and the operation policy, the provision of the WebCeph service may be suspended, Personal information (patient information) may be deleted, member's use of the WebCeph service may be restricted or the account may be suspended. AssembleCircle is not responsible for any disputes between the member and the information subject (patient) or damages to the information subject arising from the violation of laws and regulations, etc.
Members who agree to these terms and conditions are deemed to have entrusted personal information processing work to the AssembleCircle in accordance with Article 26 of the Personal Information Protection Act. Please familiarize yourself with the following regarding personal information processing consignment.
Trustee (country to which personal information is transferred according to the consignment) | AssembleCircle Corp. (S.Korea) |
Commissioned work | WebCeph service provision and data management |
Items of personal information transferred | Name, date of birth, gender, race, facial picture, oral picture, X-ray picture, measurement coordinates in medical images (radiation pictures and clinical pictures), diagnosis contents, treatment plan, treatment details |
Transfer date and transfer method | Retransfer of information stored in the cloud service when collecting personal information |
Trustee contact information | 12 Daewangpangyo-ro 645beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do (13487) |
Purpose of use and retention period of trustee | Until the member's service ends |
Trustee (country) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (United States) |
Consignment work | Cloud service |
Items of personal information transferred | Name, date of birth, gender, race, facial picture, oral picture, X-ray picture, measurement coordinates in medical images (radiation pictures and clinical pictures), diagnosis contents, treatment plan, treatment details |
Transfer date and transfer method | When collecting personal information, it is stored in the cloud service |
Trustee contact information | 12F, 508, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (GS Tower) (06141) |
Purpose of use and retention period of trustee | Cloud service provision, until the end of the consignment contract |
Trustee (country) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (Germany) |
Consignment work | Cloud service |
Items of personal information transferred | Name, date of birth, gender, race, facial picture, oral picture, X-ray picture, measurement coordinates in medical images (radiation pictures and clinical pictures), diagnosis contents, treatment plan, treatment details |
Transfer date and transfer method | When collecting personal information, it is stored in the cloud service |
Trustee contact information | 12F, 508, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (GS Tower) (06141) |
Purpose of use and retention period of trustee | Cloud service provision, until the end of the consignment contract |
Trustee (country) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (United Kingdom) |
Consignment work | Cloud service |
Items of personal information transferred | Name, date of birth, gender, race, facial picture, oral picture, X-ray picture, measurement coordinates in medical images (radiation pictures and clinical pictures), diagnosis contents, treatment plan, treatment details |
Transfer date and transfer method | When collecting personal information, it is stored in the cloud service |
Trustee contact information | 12F, 508, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (GS Tower) (06141) |
Purpose of use and retention period of trustee | Cloud service provision, until the end of the consignment contract |
Trustee (country) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (Australia) |
Consignment work | Cloud service |
Items of personal information transferred | Name, date of birth, gender, race, facial picture, oral picture, X-ray picture, measurement coordinates in medical images (radiation pictures and clinical pictures), diagnosis contents, treatment plan, treatment details |
Transfer date and transfer method | When collecting personal information, it is stored in the cloud service |
Trustee contact information | 12F, 508, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (GS Tower) (06141) |
Purpose of use and retention period of trustee | Cloud service provision, until the end of the consignment contract |
Trustee (country) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (Brazil) |
Consignment work | Cloud service |
Items of personal information transferred | Name, date of birth, gender, race, facial picture, oral picture, X-ray picture, measurement coordinates in medical images (radiation pictures and clinical pictures), diagnosis contents, treatment plan, treatment details |
Transfer date and transfer method | When collecting personal information, it is stored in the cloud service |
Trustee contact information | 12F, 508, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (GS Tower) (06141) |
Purpose of use and retention period of trustee | Cloud service provision, until the end of the consignment contract |
Trustee (country) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (France) |
Consignment work | Cloud service |
Items of personal information transferred | Name, date of birth, gender, race, facial picture, oral picture, X-ray picture, measurement coordinates in medical images (radiation pictures and clinical pictures), diagnosis contents, treatment plan, treatment details |
Transfer date and transfer method | When collecting personal information, it is stored in the cloud service |
Trustee contact information | 12F, 508, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (GS Tower) (06141) |
Purpose of use and retention period of trustee | Cloud service provision, until the end of the consignment contract |
Trustee (country) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (India) |
Consignment work | Cloud service |
Items of personal information transferred | Name, date of birth, gender, race, facial picture, oral picture, X-ray picture, measurement coordinates in medical images (radiation pictures and clinical pictures), diagnosis contents, treatment plan, treatment details |
Transfer date and transfer method | When collecting personal information, it is stored in the cloud service |
Trustee contact information | 12F, 508, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (GS Tower) (06141) |
Purpose of use and retention period of trustee | Cloud service provision, until the end of the consignment contract |
Trustee (country) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (S.Korea) |
Consignment work | Cloud service |
Items of personal information transferred | Name, date of birth, gender, race, facial picture, oral picture, X-ray picture, measurement coordinates in medical images (radiation pictures and clinical pictures), diagnosis contents, treatment plan, treatment details |
Transfer date and transfer method | When collecting personal information, it is stored in the cloud service |
Trustee contact information | 12F, 508, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (GS Tower) (06141) |
Purpose of use and retention period of trustee | Cloud service provision, until the end of the consignment contract |
Trustee (country) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (Japan) |
Consignment work | Cloud service |
Items of personal information transferred | Name, date of birth, gender, race, facial picture, oral picture, X-ray picture, measurement coordinates in medical images (radiation pictures and clinical pictures), diagnosis contents, treatment plan, treatment details |
Transfer date and transfer method | When collecting personal information, it is stored in the cloud service |
Trustee contact information | 12F, 508, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (GS Tower) (06141) |
Purpose of use and retention period of trustee | Cloud service provision, until the end of the consignment contract |
Trustee (country) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (Singapore) |
Consignment work | Cloud service |
Items of personal information transferred | Name, date of birth, gender, race, facial picture, oral picture, X-ray picture, measurement coordinates in medical images (radiation pictures and clinical pictures), diagnosis contents, treatment plan, treatment details |
Transfer date and transfer method | When collecting personal information, it is stored in the cloud service |
Trustee contact information | 12F, 508, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (GS Tower) (06141) |
Purpose of use and retention period of trustee | Cloud service provision, until the end of the consignment contract |
Trustee (country) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (Sweden) |
Consignment work | Cloud service |
Items of personal information transferred | Name, date of birth, gender, race, facial picture, oral picture, X-ray picture, measurement coordinates in medical images (radiation pictures and clinical pictures), diagnosis contents, treatment plan, treatment details |
Transfer date and transfer method | When collecting personal information, it is stored in the cloud service |
Trustee contact information | 12F, 508, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (GS Tower) (06141) |
Purpose of use and retention period of trustee | Cloud service provision, until the end of the consignment contract |
Countries transferred upon re-entrustment | Country of data subject (patient) |
United States | Bahamas / Belize / Bermuda / Cayman Islands / Costa Rica / Cuba / Dominica / Dominican Republic / El Salvador / Guadeloupe / Guam / Guatemala / Haiti / Honduras / Jamaica / Mexico / Montserrat / Nicaragua / Northern Mariana Islands / Panama / Pitcairn / Puerto Rico / Republic of Korea / Saint Barthelemy / Saint Kitts and Nevis / Saint Lucia / Saint Martin(French part) / Sint Maarten(Dutch part) / Tanzania / Turks and Caicos Islands / United States / United States Minor Outlying Islands / Virgin Islands |
Canada | Canada / Greenland / Saint Pierre and Miquelon |
Germany | Albania / Angola / Armenia / Austria / Azerbaijan / Belgium / Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bulgaria / Cameroon / Central African Republic / Chad / Congo / Congo / Croatia / Cyprus / Czech Republic / Egypt / Equatorial Guinea / Georgia / Germany / Greece / Holy See(Vatican City State) / Hungary / Israel / Italy / Jordan / Lebanon / Libya / Liechtenstein / Luxembourg / Macedonia / Malta / Moldova / Montenegro / Namibia / Netherlands / Niger / Nigeria / Palestine / Poland / Romania / Russian Federation / Rwanda / San Marino / Serbia / Slovakia / Slovenia / South Africa / South Sudan / Sudan / Swaziland / Switzerland / Syrian Arab Republic / Tunisia / Turkey / Uganda / Ukraine / Zambia / Zimbabwe |
United Kingdom | Guernsey / Iceland / Ireland / Isle of Man / Jersey / United Kingdom |
Australia | American Samoa / Antarctica / Australia / Cook Islands / Fiji / French Polynesia / French Southern Territories / Heard Island and McDonald Islands / Kiribati / Marshall Islands / Micronesia, Federated States of / Nauru / New Caledonia / New Zealand / Niue / Norfolk Island / Papua New Guinea / Samoa / Solomon Islands / Tokelau / Tonga / Tuvalu / Vanuatu / Wallis and Futuna |
Brazil | Anguilla / Antigua and Barbuda / Argentina / Aruba / Barbados / Bolivia, Plurinational State of / Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba / Bouvet Island / Brazil / Chile / Colombia / Curacao / Ecuador / Falkland Islands (Malvinas) / French Guiana / Grenada / Guyana / Martinique / Paraguay / Peru / Saint Vincent and the Grenadines / South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands / Suriname / Trinidad and Tobago / Uruguay / Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of |
France | Algeria / Andorra / Benin / Burkina Faso / Cape Verde / Cote d'Ivoire / France / Gabon / Gambia / Ghana / Gibraltar / Guinea / Guinea-Bissau / Liberia / Mali / Mauritania / Monaco / Morocco / Portugal / Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha / Sao Tome and Principe / Senegal / Sierra Leone / Spain / Togo / Western Sahara |
India | Afghanistan / Bahrain / Bangladesh / Bhutan / Botswana / British Indian Ocean Territory / Burundi / Comoros / Djibouti / Eritrea/ Ethiopia / India / Iran, Islamic Republic of / Iraq / Kazakhstan / Kenya / Kuwait / Kyrgyzstan / Lesotho / Madagascar / Malawi / Maldives / Mauritius / Mayotte / Mozambique / Nepal / Oman / Pakistan / Qatar / Reunion / Saudi Arabia / Seychelles/ Somalia / Sri Lanka / Tajikistan / Turkmenistan / United Arab Emirates / Uzbekistan / Yemen |
Korea, Republic of | China / Hong Kong / Korea, Democratic People's Republic of / Korea, Republic of / Macao / Mongolia / Taiwan |
Japan | Japan |
Singapore | Brunei Darussalam / Cambodia / Christmas Island / Cocos (Keeling) Islands / Indonesia / Lao People's Democratic Republic / Malaysia / Myanmar / Palau / Philippines / Singapore / Thailand / Timor-Leste / Viet Nam |
Sweden | Aland Islands / Belarus / Denmark / Estonia / Faroe Islands / Finland / Latvia / Lithuania / Norway / Svalbard and Jan Mayen / Sweden |
11. Processing of anonymous information
Anonymous information refers to information that is no longer recognizable by using any other information given with reasonable time, cost, and technology. Members may provide or disclose anonymous information to AssembleCircle and other members during the process of using the WebCeph service. In this case, the consent of the information subject (patient) in paragraph 7 is not required.
For example, photographs in which it is impossible to identify a patient by any technical means may be considered anonymous information.
AssembleCircle does not guarantee the anonymity of anonymous information provided or disclosed by the member, and all risks due to insufficient anonymization are within the scope of the member's responsibility. Before providing anonymous information, be sure to review the appropriateness of anonymization.
In addition, the anonymous information disclosed by the member in the gallery can be used freely by the AssembleCircle for new service development, etc.
11. Protection and management of personal information
AssembleCircle collects and uses the personal information included in the data entrusted by the member, including the member's personal information, only within the purpose and scope agreed by the member, and does not provide it to third parties other than AssembleCircle without the consent of the member. It is managed safely in accordance with the laws and regulations related to personal information protection.
The subject of the personal information can request the AssembleCircle to view, correct, or delete the personal information at any time, and the member can withdraw his or her consent to provide personal information to the AssembleCircle.
Details on the protection and management of personal information can be found in the Privacy Policy.
12. Member Responsibilities
If the member confirms that he/she is 19 years of age or older, the member should agree that he/she is responsible for checking and complying with these Terms and Conditions when registering as a member. If a member violates these terms and conditions, the provision of the WebCeph service may be suspended, and the account may be suspended. For example, members should not do the following actions.
If a member does not fulfill the obligations under these terms and conditions, even if the AssembleCircle does not immediately claim the rights to the member or delays the enforcement of the rights, this does not mean that AssembleCircle has waived the above rights. If AssembleCircle decides not to exercise the right of AssembleCircle in accordance with the member's failure to fulfill its obligations under these terms and conditions, AssembleCircle will only do this through written work.
13. AssembleCircle's Responsibilities
If you experience damage due to the intentional or negligence of AssembleCircle in the process of using the WebCeph service, AssembleCircle will compensate for your damage in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations. However, AssembleCircle is not responsible for any special or punitive damages that are not normally foreseeable. Even if the above damages are caused by natural disasters or equivalent force majeure, AssembleCircle is not responsible.
AssembleCircle makes no warranties, either express or implied, as to the accuracy, appropriateness, timeliness, completeness, and reliability of the following items.
WebCeph homepage may contain links to third-party websites, including social media websites such as 'Facebook' and 'Twitter', but this is provided solely for the convenience of the members, and AssembleCircle is an external website linked to the website. We do not endorse or endorse the content of social media.
WebCeph homepage may contain links to third-party websites, including social media websites such as 'Facebook' and 'Twitter', but this is provided solely for the convenience of the members, and AssembleCircle is an external website linked to the website. We do not endorse or endorse the content of social media.
You may not use WebCeph Service for any commercial or business purpose, and AssembleCircle has no responsibility for any liability or loss of any kind incurred by you as a result.
14. Member's liability
15. Provision of paid services
The basic services of the WebCeph service are provided for free use after watching advertisements, but some services may be provided as paid services. For example, tracing and basic cephalometric analysis functions of dental medical images can be used for free with advertisements, but functions such as analysis without advertisements or time-lapse video generation of treatment progress can only be used with a paid membership.
WebCeph members can apply for a paid service use contract according to the procedure provided by AssembleCircle and use the paid service after AssembleCircle's approval. However, in the following cases, it may not be accepted or the consent may be withheld.
In principle, WebCeph members use the paid service provided by AssembleCircle after paying the usage fee. The payment method for the fee for the paid services provided by AssembleCircle is based on credit card payment, but there may be differences in the payment method for each paid service. In the case of a service for which regular monthly payment is made, monthly payment is automatically made unless you request cancellation of the regular payment. In the case of a service for which regular yearly payment is made, yearly payment is automatically made unless you request cancellation of the regular payment.
AssembleCircle may periodically request members' personal information that is essential for payment, and WebCeph members must accurately provide personal information requested by AssembleCircle.
16.Cancellation of use of paid services
If you wish to cancel the paid service use contract, WebCeph members can apply for cancellation of the paid service at any time by using the menu provided in the service, and AssembleCircle will process it promptly as stipulated by law.
The cancellation of the paid service use contract is established by the WebCeph member's application for cancellation of the paid service use contract and the approval of AssembleCircle.
If the application for termination of the paid service use contract is established by the approval of AssembleCircle, the termination will be processed after the period of use for the current subscription term is over, and regular payment will no longer occur. Paid service benefits are maintained normally until the last day of the current subscription term.
If you cancel a subscription service (e.g., monthly subscription service, yearly subscription service), you will not receive a refund for the service you have already paid for.
In the case of one-time payment products (e.g., content products, cyber money, etc.) that are not subscription services, you can cancel through WebCeph customer service center within 7 days from the payment date. You must notify WebCeph customer service center (admin@assemblecircle.com) of your intention to cancel by e-mail, and AssembleCircle will refund within 5 business days after confirming the member's request and refund policy of WebCeph. WebCeph members cannot receive a refund for one-time payment products that have passed 7 days from the payment date.
If you want to use the service again after canceling the contract for using the paid service, you can apply for the paid service again using the menu provided in the service.
17. Delivery of opinions and improvements
Members may provide comments or feedbacks for the improvement of WebCeph services at any time through the WebCeph Service Customer Center (admin@AssembleCircle.com).
18. Dispute resolution
The relationship between AssembleCircle and the member in relation to these terms and conditions or the WebCeph service is governed by Korean law. Any dispute arising between the AssembleCircle and the member, any dispute arising out of these terms and conditions or in connection with the WebCeph service will be resolved in accordance with the procedures stipulated in the Korean Civil Procedure Act.
19. Amendment of Terms and Conditions
AssembleCircle may revise these Terms and Conditions within the scope of not violating relevant laws and regulations. If these Terms and Conditions are revised, we will notify you in advance about the reason for the revision and the effective date. You can send your opinion on the revision of the terms from the date the revised terms are posted on the WebCeph website to the effective date.
In the event of a change to the terms and conditions that are unfavorable to the member, the change will be notified on the WebCeph website 30 days before the change date. If your opinion is not communicated to the AssembleCircle by the notified effective date, you are deemed to agree to the revised terms and conditions. If you do not agree to the revised terms and conditions, we may not be able to provide you with WebCeph services subject to the revised terms and conditions.
This HIPAA Business Associate Agreement (hereinafter “This Agreement”) constitutes an integral part of the Terms of Use between you and WebCeph.
WHEREAS, you (hereinafter “Covered Entity”) are subject to the requirements of the Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”), the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (“HITECH”), and related regulations;
WHEREAS, WebCeph (hereinafter “Business Associate”) may maintain, transmit, create or receive data for or from Covered Entity in connection with WebCeph services that constitutes Protected Health Information (“PHI”);
1 Definitions
The following terms used in this Agreement shall have the meanings set forth below:
1.1 Business Associate. “Business Associate” shall generally have the same meaning as the term “business associate” at 45 CFR 160.103, and in reference to the party to this Agreement, refers to WebCeph.
1.2 Covered Entity. “Covered Entity” shall generally have the same meaning as the term “covered entity” at 45 CFR 160.103, and in reference to the party to this Agreement, refers to you, a member of WebCeph.
1.3 Protected Health Information. “Protected Health Information” shall have the same meaning as the term “protected health information’ at 45 CFR 160.103, and for the purpose of this Agreement, is limited to the information received for or from Covered Entity in connection with WebCeph services.
1.4 HIPAA. “HIPAA” collectively refers to the HIPAA Statute, including the Privacy, Security, Breach Notification, and Enforcement Rules at 45 CFR Part 160 and Part 164, the HITECH Act, and any associated Regulations, as such may be amended from time to time.
Other terms used and not otherwise defined in this Agreement shall have the same meaning as those terms in the HIPPA rules or the Terms of Use, unless context otherwise requires.
2 Use and Disclosure of Protected Health Information (PHI)
2.1 Business Associate agrees to use PHI only as necessary to provide WebCeph services, including but not limited to, analysis services for orthodontic and orthognathic surgery, to Covered Entity.
2.2 Business Associate agrees to limit disclosure of PHI to the extent practical, to the minimum necessary to accomplish the intended purpose of such disclosure.
2.3 Business Associate will not use or further disclose PHI other than as permitted or required by this Agreement or as required by law.
3 De-Identified Data.
3.1 Notwithstanding the provisions of this Agreement, Business Associate and its subcontractors may disclose non-personally identifiable information provided that the disclosed information is duly de-identified in accordance with 45 CFR 164.514(a) - (c), and does not include a key or other mechanism that would enable the information to be identified.
3.2 The purpose of the use of de-identified data will include, but is not limited to, academic and commercial research and development, and improvement of artificial intelligence orthodontic diagnostic devices and services.
4 HIPAA Assurances
In the event Business Associate creates, receives, maintains, or otherwise is exposed to personally identifiable or aggregate patient or other medical information defined as Protected Health Information ("PHI") in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 or its relevant regulations ("HIPAA") and otherwise meets the definition of Business Associate as defined in the HIPAA Privacy Standards (45 CFR Parts 160 and 164), Business Associate shall:
4.1 Recognize that HITECH (the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act of 2009) and the regulations thereunder (including 45 C.F.R. Sections 164.308, 164.310, 164.312, and 164.316), apply to a business associate of a covered entity in the same manner that such sections apply to the covered entity;
4.2 Not use or further disclose the PHI, except as permitted by law;
4.3 Not use or further disclose the PHI in a manner that had the Covered Entity done so, would violate the requirements of HIPAA;
4.4 Use appropriate safeguards (including implementing administrative, physical, and technical safeguards for electronic PHI) to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of and to prevent the use or disclosure of the PHI other than as provided for by this Agreement;
4.5 Comply with each applicable requirement of 45 C.F.R. Part 162 if the Business Associate conducts Standard Transactions for or on behalf of the Covered Entity;
4.6 Report promptly to the Covered Entity any security incident or other use or disclosure of PHI not provided for by this Agreement of which Business Associate becomes aware;
4.7 Ensure that any subcontractors or agents who receive or are exposed to PHI (whether in electronic or other format) are explained the Business Associate obligations under this paragraph and agree to the same restrictions and conditions;
4.8 Make available PHI in accordance with the individual’s rights as required under the HIPAA regulations;
4.9 Account for PHI disclosures for up to the past six (6) years as requested by Covered Entity, which shall include: (i) dates of disclosure, (ii) names of the entities or persons who received the PHI, (iii) a brief description of the PHI disclosed, and (iv) a brief statement of the purpose and basis of such disclosure;
4.10 Make its internal practices, books, and records that relate to the use and disclosure of PHI available to the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services for purposes of determining Customer’s compliance with HIPAA; and
4.11 Incorporate any amendments or corrections to PHI when notified by Customer or enter into a Business Associate Agreement or other necessary Agreements to comply with HIPAA.
5 Breach of Provisions
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, Covered Entity may immediately terminate this Agreement if it determines that Business Associate breaches any term in this Agreement. Alternatively, Covered Entity may give written notice to Business Associate in the event of a breach and give Business Associate five (5) business days to cure such breach. Covered Entity shall also have the option to immediately stop all further disclosures of PHI to Business Associate if Covered Entity reasonably determines that Business Associate has breached its obligations under this Agreement. In the event that termination of this Agreement and the Agreement is not feasible, Business Associate hereby acknowledges that the Covered Entity shall be required to report the breach to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement or Agreement to the contrary.
6 Return or Destruction of PHI upon Termination
Upon the termination of this Agreement, unless otherwise directed by Covered Entity, Business Associate shall either return or destroy all PHI received from the Covered Entity or created or received by Business Associate on behalf of the Covered Entity in which Business Associate maintains in any form. Business Associate shall not retain any copies of such PHI. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that Business Associate determines that returning or destroying the Protected Health Information is infeasible upon termination of this Agreement, Business Associate shall provide to Covered Entity notification of the condition that makes return or destruction infeasible. To the extent that it is not feasible for Business Associate to return or destroy such PHI, the terms and provisions of this Agreement shall survive such termination or expiration and such PHI shall be used or disclosed solely as permitted by law for so long as Business Associate maintains such Protected Health Information.
7 No Third-Party Beneficiaries
The parties agree that the terms of this Agreement shall apply only to themselves and are not for the benefit of any third-party beneficiaries.
8 General Provisions
This agreement sets forth the entire understanding of the Parties. Any amendments must be in writing and signed by both Parties. Any ambiguity in the terms of this Agreement shall be resolved to permit compliance with HIPAA. Any references in this Agreement to a section in HIPAA means the section as in effect or as may be amended. This Agreement may be modified or amended from time to time as is necessary for compliance with the requirements of HIPAA and other applicable law. Amendments must be made in writing and signed by the Parties. The failure of either Party to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver or limitation of that Party's right to subsequently enforce and compel strict compliance with every provision of this Agreement. The terms of this Agreement are hereby incorporated into any service or business agreement that may be entered into between the Parties with the intent to form a business relationship. In the event of a conflict of terms between this Agreement and any such service or business agreement the terms of this Agreement shall prevail.
Copyright © AssembCircle. All rights reserved. WebCeph and the WebCeph logo are registered trademarks of AssembleCircle Corp.
Announcement Date: August 23, 2021
Effective Date: September 1, 2021
Recipient (country) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC(USA) |
Transfer purpose | Cloud service |
Items of personal information transferred | Name, ID, password, nickname, gender, date of birth, mobile phone number, e-mail address, country of origin, alien registration number, occupation, bio or career, hospital name, hospital address, hospital contact information, bank account information, cash receipt information, payment information, Information actually collected among CI/DI, i-PIN authentication results, telecommunications companies, domestic/foreigner information, service use records, device information, and personal customs clearance codes |
Transfer date and transfer method | When collecting personal information, it is stored in the cloud service |
Transfer recipient contact information | 12F, 508, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (GS Tower) (06141) |
Purpose of use and retention period of the transferee | Until the member's service ends |
※The user has the right to refuse consent to transfer personal information abroad as above. However, refusal to consent may limit service provision.
AssembleCircle Corp. (the "Company") takes the personal information of users who use the website operated by the company (https://webceph.com hereinafter "WebCeph") very seriously and has the following privacy policy. This personal information processing policy will be updated when there is a change in laws or guidelines related to personal information and may change according to changes in the company policy. The company's personal information processing policy contains the following contents.
1. Collection and use of personal information
A. The purpose of collecting personal information by the company is to provide optimized and customized services by confirming the user's identity and intention to use the service. When registering as a member for the first time, the Company collects only the minimum information necessary to perform the essential functions of the service, and may additionally collect information necessary for payment, delivery of goods, and refunds according to the use of the service provided by the company.
B. The company does not use personal information for purposes other than collection and use or provide it to a third party without the consent of the user.
C. The company may collect and use personal information for the following purposes. However, if it is inevitable to collect and store resident registration numbers and bank account numbers in accordance with related laws such as the Act on Consumer Protection in E-Commerce Transactions (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Transfer Act'), the Framework Act on National Taxes, and the Electronic Financial Transactions Act, the relevant information may be collected.
purpose | Item | Retention period |
Confirmation of identity, SSO linkage, contact for notice of violation of policy and change of terms and conditions, confirmation of identity and handling of customer complaints. | (Required) Name, ID, password, nickname, mobile phone number, e-mail address, country of origin, alien registration number (for foreigners) | Principle: Until membership withdrawal Records on consumer complaints or dispute settlement: 3 years (previous law) |
Order, payment and delivery service | (Required) Name, ID, phone number, country, address, email address, bank account information, mobile phone number when paying by mobile phone, cash receipt information when applying for a cash receipt, payment information | Withdrawal of contract or subscription: 5 years (previous commercial law) Records of payment and supply of goods, etc.: 5 years (transfer method) Books and supporting documents for all transactions stipulated by the tax law: 5 years (Basic National Tax Act) |
New service development, customized service provision and marketing, service use statistics and surveys | (Optional) Gender, date of birth, mobile phone number, email address | Until membership withdrawal |
Integrated service operation such as identification, identity verification, age verification, illegal use prevention, customized service, etc. (ID/PW search and WebCeph service) | (Required) Name, ID, password, nickname, gender, date of birth, mobile phone number, e-mail address, country, occupation, bio or career, hospital name, hospital address, hospital contact information, CI/DI, i-PIN authentication result, telecommunication company, my/ Foreigner information, service use record, device information | Principle: Until membership withdrawal Record of fraudulent transaction: 1 year |
Handling of customs clearance for products directly delivered overseas | (Required) Personal customs clearance code | Records on import declaration, etc.: 5 years |
*Illegal transaction: Refers to a transaction of methods or contents that violate laws and regulations, the terms of service or public order and morals between the company and users, or infringe on the rights or interests of other companies, members, or others.
D. In addition, the following information can be automatically generated and collected, stored, combined, and analyzed during service use or business processing.
E. When collecting user's personal information, the company must obtain the consent of the user unless there is a separate basis under laws and regulations, race, place of origin, place of origin, ideology, political orientation, and criminal records that may infringe on the user's basic human rights., Health status, etc., is not collected unless the consent of the user or in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations.
F. The company allows members to sign up for members over the age of 19, and does not collect personal information of children who require consent from a legal representative for collection and use of personal information.
G. The company may collect personal information in the following ways.
H. When collecting personal information, the company divides the minimum personal information necessary for service provision into 'mandatory consent items' and other personal information into 'optional consent items' and prepares a procedure for individual consent to this. The company does not refuse to provide the service because it does not provide personal information other than the minimum personal information required by the user.
2. Provision of personal information to a third party
A. The company uses the personal information of users within the scope notified in 「Collection and Use of Personal Information」, and does not use the user's personal information beyond the scope without prior consent of the user or provide the user's personal information to a third party. However, the following cases are exceptions.
B. In addition, if it is necessary to provide personal information to a third party, personal information may be provided to the third party through legitimate procedures such as obtaining the consent of the user. The Company may provide personal information through legitimate procedures such as obtaining user consent if necessary for the user's transaction execution.
C. Users may disagree with the provision of personal information to a third party, and may withdraw their consent to the provision of personal information to a third party at any time. If you refuse to consent, you can still use the membership service, but the use/provision of related services based on the provision of a third party may be restricted. Any changes to the provision of other personal information to a third party will be notified separately.
3. Consignment on processing of personal information and transfer to overseas
The company entrusts the following tasks in relation to personal information processing and takes necessary measures to ensure that personal information on consignment contracts can be safely managed in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. The company considers the trustee's ability to protect personal information when making a consignment contract.
Trustee (country) | Commissioned work | Items of personal information transferred | Transfer date and transfer method | Trustee contact information | Purpose of use and retention period of trustee |
Amazon Web Services Korea LLC(USA) | Cloud service | Name, ID, password, nickname, gender, date of birth, mobile phone number, e-mail address, country of origin, occupation, bio or career, hospital name, hospital address, hospital contact information, alien registration number, bank account information, cash receipt information, payment information, Information actually collected among CI/DI, i-PIN authentication results, telecommunications companies, domestic/foreigner information, service use records, device information, and personal customs clearance codes | When collecting personal information, it is stored in the cloud service | 12F, 508, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (GS Tower) (06141) | Cloud service provision, until the end of the consignment contract |
In addition, the company transfers and processes the user's personal information to Korea as follows.
Recipient (country) | Purpose of transfer | Items of personal information to be transferred | Retention period |
AssembleCircle Corp.(Republic of Korea) | WebCeph service provided | Name, ID, password, nickname, gender, date of birth, mobile phone number, e-mail address, country of origin, occupation, bio or career, hospital name, hospital address, hospital contact information, alien registration number, bank account information, cash receipt information, payment information, Information actually collected among CI/DI, i-PIN authentication results, telecommunications companies, domestic/foreigner information, service use records, device information, and personal customs clearance codes | Until membership withdrawal |
4. Retention/use period and destruction of user’s personal information
In principle, the Company retains and uses the user's personal information during the agreed period with the user. When the purpose of collection and use is achieved or when a user requests deletion, the company deletes the personal information without delay. However, the following information is retained for the specified period for the following reasons.
A. Reasons for information preservation according to related laws and company policies
If it is necessary to preserve it in accordance with the provisions of related laws such as the Commercial Act, the personal information of the user is kept in accordance with the laws and regulations and is not used for other purposes such as marketing.
Related laws | purpose | Items to be collected | Retention period |
Communications Secret Protection Act | Provided upon request by an investigative agency upon receipt of a court warrant | Log record, IP, etc. | 3 months |
Transference | Records on consumer complaints or dispute settlement | Consumer identification information, dispute handling records, etc. | 3 Years |
Records on payment and supply of goods, etc. | Consumer identification information, contract/subscription withdrawal records, etc. | 5년 | |
Records on contract or subscription withdrawal, etc. | National tax evidence, etc. | 10 Years | |
National Tax Basic Law | Calculation of national tax exclusion period | Tax base and tax reporting data, etc. | 5 Years |
Calculation of expiring prescription for national tax collection rights, etc. | |||
VAT law | Ledger, tax invoice, import tax invoice, receipt, etc. | Tax base of VAT and reporting data of tax amount, etc. | 5 Years |
Electronic Financial Transaction Act | Check electronic financial transaction records | Records on electronic financial transactions, information on counterparties, etc. | 5 Years |
B. The period of retention and use of collected personal information is from the signing of the service use contract (member registration) to the termination of the service use contract (including withdrawal application and direct withdrawal). In addition, upon termination of consent, the company deletes the user's personal information without delay, except for data that is stored for a certain period for the reason of retaining the information specified above and instructs the trustee to delete the personal information if the processing of personal information was entrusted to a third party.
C. In accordance with Article 39-6 of the Personal Information Protection Act, the personal information of users who have not used the company's services for one year will be notified in advance and the personal information will be deleted or stored separately. However, if it is necessary to preserve it in accordance with the provisions of related laws, such as the Protection of Communications Secrets Act and the Consumer Protection Act in Electronic Commerce, etc., the personal information of users is kept for a certain period stipulated by the relevant laws.
D. The company shall notify the user about facts, period of storage and management of personal information by means of WebCeph notices, e-mails, etc. to the user 30 days before the separate storage of personal information described in paragraph C. Inform. To this end, the user must provide/edit the correct contact information to the company.
E. Deletion method
User's personal information is deleted without delay after the purpose of collection and use is achieved. Personal information printed on paper is shredded or incinerated and personal information stored in electronic file format is deleted using technical or physical methods that cannot reproduce the record..
5. Smartphone app management
When using the service through a smartphone app, information is collected or transmitted after notifying the user that the user is accessing terminal information within the scope of obtaining consent for collection and use of personal information and obtaining approval. Just because the user has allowed access to the terminal on the app does not mean that all information related to the permission is immediately collected or transmitted. To use the service, the access right of the smartphone app is required or selectively requested from the user, and the user can change it in the 'Settings' menu afterwards. You can check the details of app permission through the app store.
Even if you delete the app on your smartphone, the user's member account is retained, so if you want to withdraw membership, please use the ‘Membership Withdrawal' function on the WebCeph PC webpage or contact the customer center.
6. Operation and rejection of cookies
A. Purpose of use of cookies
1) The company uses ‘cookies’ that store usage information in order to provide personalized services on the Internet site operated by the company. Cookies are small pieces of information that the website server sends to the user's browser and are stored on the user’s computer hard disk.
2) The company can provide specific customized services that are only possible through the use of cookies.
3) The company may use cookies to identify members and to keep members logged in.
B. Installation/operation and rejection of cookies
1) Users have the option of installing cookies. Therefore, the user can allow/reject all cookies by adjusting the options in the web browser, or check each time a cookie is saved.
- How to specify whether to allow the installation of cookies (for Internet Explorer) is as follows.
2) If you refuse to store cookies, some services provided by the company, such as personalized services, may be difficult to use.
3) For details on customized advertisements, please check the link.
7. User's rights
The rights that a member can exercise include the right to read, the right to correct, the right to delete, the right to suspend processing, and the right to withdraw consent.
A. Right to Reading
- Members can immediately access the member's personal information items and contents in the “Account Management” menu of the website at any time.
- If you wish to view additional personal information, such as the purpose of collection and use of personal information, period of retention and use of personal information, status of provision of personal information to a third party, facts and contents of consent to the processing of personal information, please apply at the application page [link] or send an email to admin@assemblecircle.com.
- In the case of each of the reasons below, access may be restricted or denied.
- If you request to view the application page [link] or by e-mail, we will respond within 10 days and grant your access to view. However, in unavoidable circumstances, it may be made available for viewing after 10 days with prior notice, and if the viewing is restricted or rejected, the relevant content will be notified within 10 days.
B. Right to Revise
- Members can access the “Account Management” menu of the website at any time and read and correct the personal information items and contents of the member immediately.
- If additional personal information such as the purpose of collection and use of personal information, period of retention and use of personal information, the status of provision of personal information to a third party, the facts and contents of consent to the processing of personal information, etc., please apply from the application page [link] or send an email to admin@assemblecircle.com to request correction.
- If you apply for correction via the application page [link] or e-mail, you will be notified of the correction result within 10 days.
C. Right to erasure
- Members can access the “Account Management” menu of the website at any time and immediately view and delete your personal information items and contents.
- If you have viewed additional personal information such as, the purpose of collection and use of personal information, period of retention, and use of personal information, status of provision of personal information to a third party, facts and contents of consent to the processing of personal information, and would like to delete a content, please apply from the application page [link] or send an email to admin@assemblecircle.com to request deletion.
- Deletion may be rejected for the following reasons.
- Even if the personal information requested to be deleted is essential information necessary for the provision of the service, deletion may be restricted, and if such personal information needs to be deleted, please use other methods such as withdrawal of membership.
- If you apply for deletion via the application page [link] or e-mail, you will be notified of the deletion result within 10 days. In addition, if the deletion is rejected, we will notify you of the relevant details within 10 days.
D. Right to stop processing
- Members can apply at any time from the application page [link] or send an email to admin@assemblecircle.com to request to stop the processing of personal information.
- However, if there are any of the following reasons, the suspension of processing may be rejected.
- In the case of requesting suspension of the process through the application page [link] or by e-mail, the result of suspension of the process will be notified within 10 days. In addition, if the suspension of the process is rejected, related details will be notified within 10 days.
E. Right to withdraw consent
- Members can withdraw their consent such as comprehensive collection, use, and provision of personal information at any time through the “Account Management” menu of the website and pressing the “Delete Account” button.
- If there is a separate consent for a separate service within the website, and you wish to withdraw your consent only for that consent, please apply from the application page [link] or send an email to admin@assemblecircle.com. Please send your intention to withdraw your consent. For reference, due to the withdrawal, the service may be limited or you may not be able to use some services.
- If you withdraw your consent, personal information collected under the consent will be deleted without delay. However, in the case of personal information collected based on individual laws without consent, consent may be retained and used for the period specified by the relevant laws and ordinances regardless of the withdrawal of consent and will be deleted immediately after the period stipulated by the relevant laws and regulations is over. In addition, if the company is required to preserve the member's personal information according to separate terms and conditions, the processing may be restricted.
8. User's obligations
Users are obligated to protect their personal information, and there is no liability for the company regarding rental, loss of ID, password, media access, etc. The Company is not responsible for any problems caused by leakage of personal information due to problems on the Internet that the Company cannot control despite considerable caution, such as hacking or technological issues that cannot be blocked.
A. Users must keep their personal information up to date, and the user is responsible for any problems arising from the user's incorrect information input.
B. In the case of a member sign-up that impersonates other people's personal information or stolen ID, etc., during processing payment, the user may lose the user's qualifications and may be punished in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.
C. The user is responsible for maintaining the security of the ID, password, etc., and cannot be transferred or lent to a third party. The user is obligated to cooperate with the periodic change of password for security in accordance with the company's privacy policy.
D. After using the company's services, users must close their login account and close the web browser program.
E. Users must comply with other personal information laws such as the 'Information and Communication Network Utilization Promotion and Information Protection Act', 'Personal Information Protection Act', and 'Resident Registration Act'.
9. Technical/administrative protection measures for personal information
The company is taking the following technical/administrative protection measures to ensure safety so that personal information is not lost, stolen, leaked, altered or damaged in processing of users' personal information.
A. Encryption of personal information
User's password is stored and managed by one-way encryption, and personal information can be checked and changed only by the person who knows the password. Password generation rules have been established and applied to avoid using numbers that are easy for others to guess, such as the user's birthday and phone number. Personal information such as resident registration number, foreigner registration number, bank account number and credit card number are encrypted and stored and managed with a secure encryption algorithm.
B. Countermeasures against hacking, etc.
The company operates an intrusion detection and intrusion prevention system 24 hours a day to prevent leakage of the user's personal information due to intrusion of the company's information and communication network such as hacking. In preparation for an emergency, all intrusion detection systems and intrusion prevention systems are operated in a redundant configuration, and sensitive personal information can be safely transmitted over the network through encrypted communication.
C. Minimization and education of personal information handlers
The company restricts the company's personal information handlers to a minimum, and recognizes the importance of personal information protection through administrative measures such as training for personal information handlers.
D. Operation of a department dedicated to personal information protection
The company operates a department dedicated to personal information protection to efficiently protect personal information of the users and strives to promptly correct any problems by checking on the application of the personal information processing policy and the personal information handler.
E. Establishment and implementation of an internal management plan to safely process personal information
F. Installation and operation of access control devices such as an intrusion prevention system to block illegal access to personal information
G. Measures to prevent forgery or alteration of access records
H. Other protective measures necessary to secure the safety of personal information.
10. Personal Information Protection Officer
The company is doing its best to ensure that users can safely use the company's services. Users can report all personal information protection complaints on the use of services to the dedicated department, and the company will respond promptly and faithfully to users' reports.
[Person in charge of personal information protection]
※ The above contact information is connected to the 'Customer Center for Personal Information Protection'. If you need to report or consult about other personal information infringement, please contact the following organizations.
11. Duty of notice
This personal information processing policy may result in addition, deletion, or modification of the contents due to changes in related laws and guidelines or the needs of the company. In this case, we will notify you through the website or e-mail at least 7 days in advance, and if it is difficult to notify in advance, we will notify you without delay. However, if material changes are made, it will be notified at least 30 days in advance, and will be implemented after 30 days, unless otherwise notified. In addition, we may obtain separate consent from customers if necessary, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.
Announcement Date: August 23, 2021
Effective Date: September 1, 2021
1. Nature and scope of the terms and conditions
These terms and conditions describe the relationship between AssembleCircle Corp.(hereinafter referred to as "AssembleCircle") and WebCeph members (hereinafter referred to as 'members') or non-members who use the WebCeph service, and the rights, obligations and necessary matters between the member and AssembleCircle in relation to the use of the WebCeph service provided by the AssembleCircle to members. It is for the purpose of defining.
When you use the WebCeph service or sign up as a member, you are required to confirm or agree to these terms and conditions. These terms and conditions are basically applied to all WebCeph services, but separate terms and operating policies may be applied for each individual service to comply with relevant laws and regulations and to achieve the purpose of each service.
2. WebCeph Service
WebCeph service is an orthodontic orthognathic artificial intelligence cloud platform designed by orthodontists and oral surgeons and developed by orthodontists. You can use the WebCeph service using a device that can connect to the Internet, such as a PC or mobile phone. WebCeph service includes diagnostic data analysis services for orthodontic and orthognathic surgery, and clinical case sharing and discussion platforms for academic purposes. For specific details of individual services, please refer to the WebCeph website.
WebCeph service is a service that assists doctors in diagnosis, medical plan establishment, medical practice, etc. WebCeph Services can help you, however, WebCeph Services is neither a medical institution nor a healthcare provider and does not provide medical advice or diagnosis. In other words, WebCeph service does not function as a substitute for a service that provides expert opinion or professional opinion in any way. AssembleCircle recommends that members establish a medical plan, perform medical treatment, or receive treatment through consultation with a medical professional along with the WebCeph service.
AssembleCircle provides the same service to all members, but the scope of the service provided for each individual service may vary to comply with relevant laws and regulations and to achieve the goal of individual service. For example, some of the WebCeph services may be provided only to members with medical qualifications, and members who wish to use the services may be required to provide evidence of medical qualifications to be provided with the services.
The AssembleCircle may modify, suspend, or terminate some or all the contents of the WebCeph website or WebCeph service for reasons of compliance with related laws and regulations, maintenance and management of services, and business judgment. For example, to perform routine or non-routine maintenance of the WebCeph service, to correct errors, or to perform other changes, we may suspend the WebCeph homepage or some operations of the WebCeph service as needed. In addition, AssembleCircle may stop the operation of the WebCeph service in a certain residential area. If a member violates the terms and conditions and related laws, services may no longer be provided to the member.
he WebCeph service is currently free, but it may be converted to a paid service in some or all of the WebCeph service. If there is a conversion in service payment, partial or whole, we will inform the members regarding the scope and pricing policy of the WebCeph service in advance.
3. Sign Up
4. Types of services and how to use them
5. Restrictions on service use
6. Cancellation of service use contract
7. Intellectual property rights
The intellectual property rights of the content (hereinafter referred to as “content”) created by a member in through the WebCeph service belongs to the member in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations. Intellectual property rights related to WebCeph services (for example, AssembleCircle's trademark, etc.) and intellectual property rights of all materials that are stored, displayed or accessible on the WebCeph homepage are owned or licensed by the AssembleCircle. You may modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transfer, distribute, sell, license, lease, publicly display or perform, edit, or otherwise modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit, distribute, sell, publicly display, or otherwise modify, in any way, without the written consent of the Assemblies. Secondary works cannot be produced.
In addition, members may view, use, download, and print selected portions of the WebCeph homepage for personal, non-commercial, and informational purposes, without posting WebCeph contents as is.
AssembleCircle shall not be held liable for any infringement of intellectual property rights of third parties during the process of creating contents by members, or disputes on intellectual property rights between members arising from members using contents of other members.
8. Data management policy
WebCeph services need to transfer, store, copy, delete, and edit data related to cloud services. In addition, WebCeph needs to index the content to retrieve, protect, and back up data. By using the WebCeph service, members give the AssembleCircle the authority to manage data. When a member provides data to the WebCeph service, the member has the right to use, store, copy, modify, transmit, disclose, explain, publicly post, distribute, or create a secondary work derived from the data on AssembleCircle is considered licensed.
The above license is valid even after the member stops using the WebCeph service or deactivates the account and AssembleCircle can use the above data to improve the WebCeph services or to develop a new WebCeph service through the above license. WebCeph will do its best to provide more convenient and useful services to the members through continuous service improvement, research, and development.
9. Collection of personal information
The company strives to protect the personal information of members as stipulated by relevant laws and regulations. The protection and use of personal information is in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations and the company's personal information processing policy.
The company does not provide personal information without the individual consent of the information subject to third parties, except in cases where the member uses the service and is requested to provide information from an investigative agency or other public institution in violation of related laws.
The company provides information only to the extent necessary for the entrusted company to investigate, also manages and supervises the safe processing of the users' valuable personal information.
The company does not collect personal information of minors under the age of 19.
10. Personal information entrusted by WebCeph
When a member provides data, etc. to AssembleCircle for the use of the WebCeph service, the member has all legal rights to the personal information (patient information) and the information subject (patient) for entrustment of the personal information (patient information). You must obtain consent.
For example, if you want to collect the personal information (patient information) of the information subject (patient) who uses the hospital or clinic you operate and provide it to the AssembleCircle, you must use the consent form below to provide the above personal information (patient Information) is collected and the consent of the data subject (patient) must be obtained for the above personal information (patient information) to be entrusted to the AssembleCircle.
[Check the consent form included in the member's guide (link)]
If the member's personal information (patient information) consignment provision violates the relevant laws or the terms and conditions of the WebCeph service and the operation policy, the provision of the WebCeph service may be suspended, Personal information (patient information) may be deleted, member's use of the WebCeph service may be restricted or the account may be suspended. AssembleCircle is not responsible for any disputes between the member and the information subject (patient) or damages to the information subject arising from the violation of laws and regulations, etc.
Members who agree to these terms and conditions are deemed to have entrusted personal information processing work to the AssembleCircle in accordance with Article 26 of the Personal Information Protection Act. Please familiarize yourself with the following regarding personal information processing consignment.
Trustee (country to which personal information is transferred according to the consignment) | AssembleCircle Corp. (S.Korea) |
Commissioned work | WebCeph service provision and data management |
Items of personal information transferred | Name, date of birth, gender, race, facial picture, oral picture, X-ray picture, measurement coordinates in medical images (radiation pictures and clinical pictures), diagnosis contents, treatment plan, treatment details |
Transfer date and transfer method | Retransfer of information stored in the cloud service when collecting personal information |
Trustee contact information | 411-ho, 4th floor, 240, Pangyoyeok-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do (13493) |
Purpose of use and retention period of trustee | Until the member's service ends |
Trustee (country) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (United States) |
Consignment work | Cloud service |
Items of personal information transferred | Name, date of birth, gender, race, facial picture, oral picture, X-ray picture, measurement coordinates in medical images (radiation pictures and clinical pictures), diagnosis contents, treatment plan, treatment details |
Transfer date and transfer method | When collecting personal information, it is stored in the cloud service |
Trustee contact information | 12F, 508, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (GS Tower) (06141) |
Purpose of use and retention period of trustee | Cloud service provision, until the end of the consignment contract |
Trustee (country) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (Germany) |
Consignment work | Cloud service |
Items of personal information transferred | Name, date of birth, gender, race, facial picture, oral picture, X-ray picture, measurement coordinates in medical images (radiation pictures and clinical pictures), diagnosis contents, treatment plan, treatment details |
Transfer date and transfer method | When collecting personal information, it is stored in the cloud service |
Trustee contact information | 12F, 508, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (GS Tower) (06141) |
Purpose of use and retention period of trustee | Cloud service provision, until the end of the consignment contract |
Trustee (country) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (United Kingdom) |
Consignment work | Cloud service |
Items of personal information transferred | Name, date of birth, gender, race, facial picture, oral picture, X-ray picture, measurement coordinates in medical images (radiation pictures and clinical pictures), diagnosis contents, treatment plan, treatment details |
Transfer date and transfer method | When collecting personal information, it is stored in the cloud service |
Trustee contact information | 12F, 508, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (GS Tower) (06141) |
Purpose of use and retention period of trustee | Cloud service provision, until the end of the consignment contract |
Trustee (country) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (Australia) |
Consignment work | Cloud service |
Items of personal information transferred | Name, date of birth, gender, race, facial picture, oral picture, X-ray picture, measurement coordinates in medical images (radiation pictures and clinical pictures), diagnosis contents, treatment plan, treatment details |
Transfer date and transfer method | When collecting personal information, it is stored in the cloud service |
Trustee contact information | 12F, 508, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (GS Tower) (06141) |
Purpose of use and retention period of trustee | Cloud service provision, until the end of the consignment contract |
Trustee (country) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (Brazil) |
Consignment work | Cloud service |
Items of personal information transferred | Name, date of birth, gender, race, facial picture, oral picture, X-ray picture, measurement coordinates in medical images (radiation pictures and clinical pictures), diagnosis contents, treatment plan, treatment details |
Transfer date and transfer method | When collecting personal information, it is stored in the cloud service |
Trustee contact information | 12F, 508, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (GS Tower) (06141) |
Purpose of use and retention period of trustee | Cloud service provision, until the end of the consignment contract |
Trustee (country) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (France) |
Consignment work | Cloud service |
Items of personal information transferred | Name, date of birth, gender, race, facial picture, oral picture, X-ray picture, measurement coordinates in medical images (radiation pictures and clinical pictures), diagnosis contents, treatment plan, treatment details |
Transfer date and transfer method | When collecting personal information, it is stored in the cloud service |
Trustee contact information | 12F, 508, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (GS Tower) (06141) |
Purpose of use and retention period of trustee | Cloud service provision, until the end of the consignment contract |
Trustee (country) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (India) |
Consignment work | Cloud service |
Items of personal information transferred | Name, date of birth, gender, race, facial picture, oral picture, X-ray picture, measurement coordinates in medical images (radiation pictures and clinical pictures), diagnosis contents, treatment plan, treatment details |
Transfer date and transfer method | When collecting personal information, it is stored in the cloud service |
Trustee contact information | 12F, 508, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (GS Tower) (06141) |
Purpose of use and retention period of trustee | Cloud service provision, until the end of the consignment contract |
Trustee (country) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (S.Korea) |
Consignment work | Cloud service |
Items of personal information transferred | Name, date of birth, gender, race, facial picture, oral picture, X-ray picture, measurement coordinates in medical images (radiation pictures and clinical pictures), diagnosis contents, treatment plan, treatment details |
Transfer date and transfer method | When collecting personal information, it is stored in the cloud service |
Trustee contact information | 12F, 508, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (GS Tower) (06141) |
Purpose of use and retention period of trustee | Cloud service provision, until the end of the consignment contract |
Trustee (country) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (Japan) |
Consignment work | Cloud service |
Items of personal information transferred | Name, date of birth, gender, race, facial picture, oral picture, X-ray picture, measurement coordinates in medical images (radiation pictures and clinical pictures), diagnosis contents, treatment plan, treatment details |
Transfer date and transfer method | When collecting personal information, it is stored in the cloud service |
Trustee contact information | 12F, 508, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (GS Tower) (06141) |
Purpose of use and retention period of trustee | Cloud service provision, until the end of the consignment contract |
Trustee (country) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (Singapore) |
Consignment work | Cloud service |
Items of personal information transferred | Name, date of birth, gender, race, facial picture, oral picture, X-ray picture, measurement coordinates in medical images (radiation pictures and clinical pictures), diagnosis contents, treatment plan, treatment details |
Transfer date and transfer method | When collecting personal information, it is stored in the cloud service |
Trustee contact information | 12F, 508, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (GS Tower) (06141) |
Purpose of use and retention period of trustee | Cloud service provision, until the end of the consignment contract |
Trustee (country) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (Sweden) |
Consignment work | Cloud service |
Items of personal information transferred | Name, date of birth, gender, race, facial picture, oral picture, X-ray picture, measurement coordinates in medical images (radiation pictures and clinical pictures), diagnosis contents, treatment plan, treatment details |
Transfer date and transfer method | When collecting personal information, it is stored in the cloud service |
Trustee contact information | 12F, 508, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (GS Tower) (06141) |
Purpose of use and retention period of trustee | Cloud service provision, until the end of the consignment contract |
Countries transferred upon re-entrustment | Country of data subject (patient) |
United States | Bahamas / Belize / Bermuda / Cayman Islands / Costa Rica / Cuba / Dominica / Dominican Republic / El Salvador / Guadeloupe / Guam / Guatemala / Haiti / Honduras / Jamaica / Mexico / Montserrat / Nicaragua / Northern Mariana Islands / Panama / Pitcairn / Puerto Rico / Republic of Korea / Saint Barthelemy / Saint Kitts and Nevis / Saint Lucia / Saint Martin(French part) / Sint Maarten(Dutch part) / Tanzania / Turks and Caicos Islands / United States / United States Minor Outlying Islands / Virgin Islands |
Canada | Canada / Greenland / Saint Pierre and Miquelon |
Germany | Albania / Angola / Armenia / Austria / Azerbaijan / Belgium / Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bulgaria / Cameroon / Central African Republic / Chad / Congo / Congo / Croatia / Cyprus / Czech Republic / Egypt / Equatorial Guinea / Georgia / Germany / Greece / Holy See(Vatican City State) / Hungary / Israel / Italy / Jordan / Lebanon / Libya / Liechtenstein / Luxembourg / Macedonia / Malta / Moldova / Montenegro / Namibia / Netherlands / Niger / Nigeria / Palestine / Poland / Romania / Russian Federation / Rwanda / San Marino / Serbia / Slovakia / Slovenia / South Africa / South Sudan / Sudan / Swaziland / Switzerland / Syrian Arab Republic / Tunisia / Turkey / Uganda / Ukraine / Zambia / Zimbabwe |
United Kingdom | Guernsey / Iceland / Ireland / Isle of Man / Jersey / United Kingdom |
Australia | American Samoa / Antarctica / Australia / Cook Islands / Fiji / French Polynesia / French Southern Territories / Heard Island and McDonald Islands / Kiribati / Marshall Islands / Micronesia, Federated States of / Nauru / New Caledonia / New Zealand / Niue / Norfolk Island / Papua New Guinea / Samoa / Solomon Islands / Tokelau / Tonga / Tuvalu / Vanuatu / Wallis and Futuna |
Brazil | Anguilla / Antigua and Barbuda / Argentina / Aruba / Barbados / Bolivia, Plurinational State of / Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba / Bouvet Island / Brazil / Chile / Colombia / Curacao / Ecuador / Falkland Islands (Malvinas) / French Guiana / Grenada / Guyana / Martinique / Paraguay / Peru / Saint Vincent and the Grenadines / South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands / Suriname / Trinidad and Tobago / Uruguay / Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of |
France | Algeria / Andorra / Benin / Burkina Faso / Cape Verde / Cote d'Ivoire / France / Gabon / Gambia / Ghana / Gibraltar / Guinea / Guinea-Bissau / Liberia / Mali / Mauritania / Monaco / Morocco / Portugal / Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha / Sao Tome and Principe / Senegal / Sierra Leone / Spain / Togo / Western Sahara |
India | Afghanistan / Bahrain / Bangladesh / Bhutan / Botswana / British Indian Ocean Territory / Burundi / Comoros / Djibouti / Eritrea/ Ethiopia / India / Iran, Islamic Republic of / Iraq / Kazakhstan / Kenya / Kuwait / Kyrgyzstan / Lesotho / Madagascar / Malawi / Maldives / Mauritius / Mayotte / Mozambique / Nepal / Oman / Pakistan / Qatar / Reunion / Saudi Arabia / Seychelles/ Somalia / Sri Lanka / Tajikistan / Turkmenistan / United Arab Emirates / Uzbekistan / Yemen |
Korea, Republic of | China / Hong Kong / Korea, Democratic People's Republic of / Korea, Republic of / Macao / Mongolia / Taiwan |
Japan | Japan |
Singapore | Brunei Darussalam / Cambodia / Christmas Island / Cocos (Keeling) Islands / Indonesia / Lao People's Democratic Republic / Malaysia / Myanmar / Palau / Philippines / Singapore / Thailand / Timor-Leste / Viet Nam |
Sweden | Aland Islands / Belarus / Denmark / Estonia / Faroe Islands / Finland / Latvia / Lithuania / Norway / Svalbard and Jan Mayen / Sweden |
11. Processing of anonymous information
Anonymous information refers to information that is no longer recognizable by using any other information given with reasonable time, cost, and technology. Members may provide or disclose anonymous information to AssembleCircle and other members during the process of using the WebCeph service. In this case, the consent of the information subject (patient) in paragraph 7 is not required.
For example, photographs in which it is impossible to identify a patient by any technical means may be considered anonymous information.
AssembleCircle does not guarantee the anonymity of anonymous information provided or disclosed by the member, and all risks due to insufficient anonymization are within the scope of the member's responsibility. Before providing anonymous information, be sure to review the appropriateness of anonymization.
In addition, the anonymous information disclosed by the member in the gallery can be used freely by the AssembleCircle for new service development, etc.
11. Protection and management of personal information
AssembleCircle collects and uses the personal information included in the data entrusted by the member, including the member's personal information, only within the purpose and scope agreed by the member, and does not provide it to third parties other than AssembleCircle without the consent of the member. It is managed safely in accordance with the laws and regulations related to personal information protection.
The subject of the personal information can request the AssembleCircle to view, correct, or delete the personal information at any time, and the member can withdraw his or her consent to provide personal information to the AssembleCircle.
Details on the protection and management of personal information can be found in the Privacy Policy.
12. Member Responsibilities
If the member confirms that he/she is 19 years of age or older, the member should agree that he/she is responsible for checking and complying with these Terms and Conditions when registering as a member. If a member violates these terms and conditions, the provision of the WebCeph service may be suspended, and the account may be suspended. For example, members should not do the following actions.
If a member does not fulfill the obligations under these terms and conditions, even if the AssembleCircle does not immediately claim the rights to the member or delays the enforcement of the rights, this does not mean that AssembleCircle has waived the above rights. If AssembleCircle decides not to exercise the right of AssembleCircle in accordance with the member's failure to fulfill its obligations under these terms and conditions, AssembleCircle will only do this through written work.
13. AssembleCircle's Responsibilities
If you experience damage due to the intentional or negligence of AssembleCircle in the process of using the WebCeph service, AssembleCircle will compensate for your damage in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations. However, AssembleCircle is not responsible for any special or punitive damages that are not normally foreseeable. Even if the above damages are caused by natural disasters or equivalent force majeure, AssembleCircle is not responsible.
AssembleCircle makes no warranties, either express or implied, as to the accuracy, appropriateness, timeliness, completeness, and reliability of the following items.
WebCeph homepage may contain links to third-party websites, including social media websites such as 'Facebook' and 'Twitter', but this is provided solely for the convenience of the members, and AssembleCircle is an external website linked to the website. We do not endorse or endorse the content of social media.
WebCeph homepage may contain links to third-party websites, including social media websites such as 'Facebook' and 'Twitter', but this is provided solely for the convenience of the members, and AssembleCircle is an external website linked to the website. We do not endorse or endorse the content of social media.
You may not use WebCeph Service for any commercial or business purpose, and AssembleCircle has no responsibility for any liability or loss of any kind incurred by you as a result.
14. Member's liability
15. Provision of paid services
The basic services of the WebCeph service are provided for free use after watching advertisements, but some services may be provided as paid services. For example, tracing and basic cephalometric analysis functions of dental medical images can be used for free with advertisements, but functions such as analysis without advertisements or time-lapse video generation of treatment progress can only be used with a paid membership.
WebCeph members can apply for a paid service use contract according to the procedure provided by AssembleCircle and use the paid service after AssembleCircle's approval. However, in the following cases, it may not be accepted or the consent may be withheld.
In principle, WebCeph members use the paid service provided by AssembleCircle after paying the usage fee. The payment method for the fee for the paid services provided by AssembleCircle is based on credit card payment, but there may be differences in the payment method for each paid service. In the case of a service for which regular monthly payment is made, monthly payment is automatically made unless you request cancellation of the regular payment. In the case of a service for which regular yearly payment is made, yearly payment is automatically made unless you request cancellation of the regular payment.
AssembleCircle may periodically request members' personal information that is essential for payment, and WebCeph members must accurately provide personal information requested by AssembleCircle.
16.Cancellation of use of paid services
If you wish to cancel the paid service use contract, WebCeph members can apply for cancellation of the paid service at any time by using the menu provided in the service, and AssembleCircle will process it promptly as stipulated by law.
The cancellation of the paid service use contract is established by the WebCeph member's application for cancellation of the paid service use contract and the approval of AssembleCircle.
If the application for termination of the paid service use contract is established by the approval of AssembleCircle, the termination will be processed after the period of use for the current subscription term is over, and regular payment will no longer occur. Paid service benefits are maintained normally until the last day of the current subscription term.
If you cancel a subscription service (e.g., monthly subscription service, yearly subscription service), you will not receive a refund for the service you have already paid for.
In the case of one-time payment products (e.g., content products, cyber money, etc.) that are not subscription services, you can cancel through WebCeph customer service center within 7 days from the payment date. You must notify WebCeph customer service center (admin@assemblecircle.com) of your intention to cancel by e-mail, and AssembleCircle will refund within 5 business days after confirming the member's request and refund policy of WebCeph. WebCeph members cannot receive a refund for one-time payment products that have passed 7 days from the payment date.
If you want to use the service again after canceling the contract for using the paid service, you can apply for the paid service again using the menu provided in the service.
17. Delivery of opinions and improvements
Members may provide comments or feedbacks for the improvement of WebCeph services at any time through the WebCeph Service Customer Center (admin@AssembleCircle.com).
18. Dispute resolution
The relationship between AssembleCircle and the member in relation to these terms and conditions or the WebCeph service is governed by Korean law. Any dispute arising between the AssembleCircle and the member, any dispute arising out of these terms and conditions or in connection with the WebCeph service will be resolved in accordance with the procedures stipulated in the Korean Civil Procedure Act.
19. Amendment of Terms and Conditions
AssembleCircle may revise these Terms and Conditions within the scope of not violating relevant laws and regulations. If these Terms and Conditions are revised, we will notify you in advance about the reason for the revision and the effective date. You can send your opinion on the revision of the terms from the date the revised terms are posted on the WebCeph website to the effective date.
In the event of a change to the terms and conditions that are unfavorable to the member, the change will be notified on the WebCeph website 30 days before the change date. If your opinion is not communicated to the AssembleCircle by the notified effective date, you are deemed to agree to the revised terms and conditions. If you do not agree to the revised terms and conditions, we may not be able to provide you with WebCeph services subject to the revised terms and conditions.
Copyright © AssembCircle. All rights reserved. WebCeph and the WebCeph logo are registered trademarks of AssembleCircle Corp.
Announcement Date: August 23, 2021
Effective Date: September 1, 2021
Purpose of collection and use | Personal information items collected and used | Retention period |
Confirmation of identity, SSO linkage, contact for notice of violation of policy and change of terms and conditions, confirmation of identity and handling of customer complaints such as complaints | Name, ID, password, nickname, mobile phone number, email address, country name, alien registration number (for foreigners) | Principle: Until membership withdrawal Records on consumer complaints or dispute settlement: 3 years (Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.) |
Order, payment and delivery service | Name, ID, phone number, country of origin, address, e-mail address, bank account information, mobile phone number when paying by mobile phone, cash receipt information when applying for a cash receipt, payment information | Payment and supply records of goods, etc.: 5 years (Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.) Books and supporting documents for all transactions stipulated by the tax law: 5 years (Basic National Tax Act) |
Integrated service operation such as identification, identity verification, age verification, illegal use prevention, customized service, etc. (ID/PW search and WebCeph service) | Name, ID, password, nickname, gender, date of birth, mobile phone number, e-mail address, country of origin, occupation, bio or career, hospital name, hospital address, hospital contact information, CI/DI, i-PIN authentication result, telecommunication company, domestic/foreigner information, Service usage record, device information | Principle: Until membership withdrawal Record of fraudulent transaction: 1 year |
Handling of customs clearance for products directly delivered overseas | Personal customs clearance code | Records on import declaration, etc.: 5 years |
*Illegal transaction: Refers to a transaction of methods or contents that violate laws and regulations, the terms of service or public order and morals between the company and users, or infringe on the rights or interests of other companies, members, or others.
※This is the minimum amount of personal information necessary to use the Webceph service provided by Assemble Circle, Inc., so you can use the service only if you agree to the relevant items.
Purpose of collection and use | Personal information items collected and used | Retention period |
New service development, customized service provision and marketing, service use statistics and surveys | Gender, date of birth, mobile phone number, email address | Until cancellation request or membership withdrawal |
※Personal information is necessary to use WebCeph service provided by AssembleCircle more efficiently. You can use the rest of the services except for the service that collects and uses the above personal information even if you refuse to consent to the item.
Trustee (country) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC (USA) |
Consignment work | Cloud service |
Items of personal information to be entrusted | Name, ID, password, nickname, gender, date of birth, mobile phone number, e-mail address, country of origin, alien registration number, occupation, bio or career, hospital name, hospital address, hospital contact information, bank account information, cash receipt information, payment information, Information actually collected among CI/DI, i-PIN authentication results, telecommunications companies, domestic/foreigner information, service use records, device information, and personal customs clearance codes |
Consignment period | Until the consignment contract ends |
※The user has the right to refuse to consent to the provision of personal information to a third party as above. However, refusal to consent may limit service provision.
Recipient (country) | Amazon Web Services Korea LLC(USA) |
Transfer purpose | Cloud service |
Items of personal information transferred | Name, ID, password, nickname, gender, date of birth, mobile phone number, e-mail address, country of origin, alien registration number, occupation, bio or career, hospital name, hospital address, hospital contact information, bank account information, cash receipt information, payment information, Information actually collected among CI/DI, i-PIN authentication results, telecommunications companies, domestic/foreigner information, service use records, device information, and personal customs clearance codes |
Transfer date and transfer method | When collecting personal information, it is stored in the cloud service |
Transfer recipient contact information | 12F, 508, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (GS Tower) (06141) |
Purpose of use and retention period of the transferee | Until the member's service ends |
※The user has the right to refuse consent to transfer personal information abroad as above. However, refusal to consent may limit service provision.